What is the noun form of inferior?

What is the noun form of inferior?

inferior. noun. /ɪnˈfɪəriə(r)/ /ɪnˈfɪriər/ ​a person who is not as good as somebody else; a person who is lower in rank or status.

Is Inferiorness a word?

Quality of being inferior.

Is inferior an adjective?

adjective. lower in station, rank, degree, or grade (often followed by to): a rank inferior to colonel. lower in place or position; closer to the bottom or base: descending into the inferior regions of the earth. of comparatively low grade; poor in quality; substandard: an inferior product.

Is queenly a noun?

adjective, queen·li·er, queen·li·est. belonging or proper to a queen: queenly propriety. befitting, or suggestive of, a queen: queenly grace.

Is Royal a noun?

ROYAL (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is Sempiternal?

: of never-ending duration : eternal.

How do you use Sempiternal in a sentence?

Sempiternal in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The girl’s parents tried to explain that images you put online are sempiternal and can last forever.
  2. Looking up at the sempiternal sky, Ava was amazed by the unchanging sky.
  3. The vampire hated his sempiternal exitance and sometimes wished he could die.

What is the difference between Sempiternal and eternal?

Although it’s often used the same way you’d use the word “eternal,” in philosophy there is a distinction between those terms. “Eternal” implies something that is infinite outside the bounds of time, like God, while sempiternal is a more earthbound way to talk about forever.

What does Fugleman mean?

file leader

What is a synonym for Fugleman?

fugleman(n.) Synonyms: file-leader, leader, director, flugelman.

What is the meaning of Legerity?

legerity \luh-JAIR-uh-tee\ noun. : alert facile quickness of mind or body.

What is a synonym of moiety?

synonyms: component, component part, constituent, part, portion.

What is another term for Matronymic?

nountitle given to something, someone. agname. agnomen. alias. appellation.

How are moieties formed?

The moiety system is a more unusual form of unilineal descent and involves the occurrence of descent groups in linked pairs which assume complementary positions and functions. Each moiety (or half) of a pair will almost always be exogamous and take its husbands and wives exclusively from the matched group.

What is the part of speech of moiety?

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for April 6, 2019 is: moiety \MOY-uh-tee\ noun. 1 a : one of two equal parts : half. b : one of two approximately equal parts. 2 : one of the portions into which something is divided : component, part.

How do you spell moiety?

noun, plural moi·e·ties. a half. an indefinite portion, part, or share. Anthropology. one of two units into which a tribe or community is divided on the basis of unilineal descent.

What does moiety mean in chemistry?

In organic chemistry, the term moiety is used to denote a portion of a molecule, which may be a functional group, or describe a portion of a molecule with multiple functional groups which share common structural aspects.

How do you use moiety in a sentence?

Moiety in a Sentence 🔉

  1. If the medicine makes you feel drowsy, you should only take a moiety of the dosage before going to work and the other half when you get home.
  2. Jim’s wife was entitled to a moiety of his lottery winnings.
  3. When my sister and I shared the bag of chips, she took a moiety and gave me the other portion.

What is a moiety anthropology?

In the anthropological study of kinship, a moiety (/ˈmɔɪəti/) is a descent group that coexists with only one other descent group within a society. In the case of a patrilineal descent system, one can interpret a moiety system as one in which women are exchanged between the two moieties.

What is the meaning of a moiety of the principal?

portion of the amount that was lent

Why does Shylock refuse to show mercy?

Shylock does not show any mercy as he feels that he has done nothing wrong and therefore need not fear judgement. Shylock reasons that he should be allowed to do what he wishes with the pound of flesh as he had bought it, in the same way slaves are under the power of their slave-owners.

What happens if your house is troubled with a rat?

Shylock furthers this point by giving an example: “what if my house be troubled with a rat,/And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducats to have it baned?” (4.1. 43-45). The ability to think critically and to treat others humanely are lacking in Shylock.

What does the Duke request of Shylock?

What does the Duke request of Shylock? The Duke requests that Shylock is to forgive him and come up with different agreement. Portia disguises herself so she can help Antonio, so that he doesn’t have to give one pound of flesh to Shylock.

Why does the Duke call Shylock inhuman?

(ii) Shylock is called inhuman by Duke because he demanded the pound of flesh from Antonio’s body and did not have a single grain to pity in his heart. Shylock will forgive him a part of the principal amount to be paid by Antonio along with forgiving their penalty.

Is Shylock a villain or a victim?

Shylock is a combination of both victim and villain in The Merchant of Venice. He is a victim of discrimination and mistreated by Antonio and his daughter, Jessica. Shylock’s greedy, vengeful nature is what makes him a villain, which helps drive the plot of the play.

Why did Shylock call Portia a Daniel?

Shylock does not want Bassanio’s money or his life. So, when Portia, disguised as a lawyer, says “it cannot be” that Bassanio is allowed to save Antonio, because it would establish a bad precedent, Shylock is delighted. He calls Portia a “Daniel,” after the Biblical Daniel, who was known as a wise judge.

Does Shylock die?

Shylock does not die in Merchant. However, he does see his punishment as worse than death.

Does Shylock deserve sympathy?

The most obvious source of sympathy for Shylock is that he is part of a despised minority, treated with contempt and loathing on the basis of his religion. As a Jew in an overwhelmingly Christian city, Shylock is subjected to all kinds of humiliating restrictions, both legal and social.

What made Shylock say a Daniel is come to Judgement?

This is a Biblical allusion referring to the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den. Basically, Daniel was an wronged innocent who was thrown into the lion’s den to be devoured.

Who is a Daniel?

Daniel was a righteous man of princely lineage and lived about 620–538 B.C. He was carried off to Babylon in 605 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, the Assyrian, but was still living when Assyria was overthrown by the Medes and Persians. But Daniel continued true to Jerusalem.