What is the name of the fruit that when you remove the first letter it becomes a crime?

What is the name of the fruit that when you remove the first letter it becomes a crime?

The answer to this question is Grape. The answer is grape. If the 1 st letter is removed it is rape(crime).

What word is pronounced the same if you take away 4 of its 5 letters?

Queue is the only 5 letter word which has the same pronounciation even if the last 4 words are removed. That is , even though if we remove "ueue" from the word Queue , we will get the same pronounciation which was earlier. Hence, The answer is Queue.

When I’m under you I’m a five letter word take out the first letter and I come above you take out the second too and I’m all around you not all can tell me who I am but?

The answer is "CHAIR". Normally it is below us. If we remove the 1st letter , it's "HAIR", which is above us. If we remove 1st and 2nd letter, it becomes "AIR", which we can't see.

What is a fruit that you can take away the first letter of and it becomes a crime you can take away the first 2 letters and it becomes an animal and when you take away the first and last letters it becomes a form of music?

What do you think am I? Answer: A Grape! Remove the first letter, Grape="Rape" Rape is a kind of crime.