What is the name of NH4 2Se?

What is the name of NH4 2Se?

Ammonium Selenide

What is the formula for ammonium selenide?

Ionic Compounds, Naming and Formula Writing

Ammonium Chlorate NH4ClO3
Ammonium Oxide (NH4)2O
Ammonium Sulfide (NH4)2S
Ammonium Selenide (NH4)2Se

What is the molar mass of NH4 2Se?


What is NH4 3PO3?

Question: What Is The Name Of The Compound (NH4)3PO3? Ammonium Phosphate; This Covalent Compound Is Made Up Of Two Polyatomic Ions, Ammonium And Phosphate. B. Ammonium Phosphite; This Ionic Compound Is Made Up Of Two Polyatomic Ions, Ammonium And Phosphite.

Is NH4 3PO3 soluble in water?

Ammonium phosphate is the salt of ammonia and phosphoric acid. It has the formula (NH4)3PO4 and consists of ammonium cations and phosphate anion. It is soluble in water, and the aqueous solution on boiling loses ammonia and the acid phosphate (NH4)(H2PO4) is formed. …

How many grams are in NH4 3PO4?


How many atoms does 2 NH4 3PO4 have?

Composition of 2(NH4)3PO4

Element Symbol # of Atoms
Nitrogen N 6
Hydrogen H 24
Phosphorus P 2
Oxygen O 8

What is the percent of phosphorus in NH4 3PO4?

20.8 %

What is the mass of NH4 3PO4?

149.09 g/mol

How many ions are in NH4 3PO4?

Take a look at the formula. The formula tells you that one molecule of ammonium phosphate consists of 3 ammonium ions (thats the 3 behind the brackets) and one phosphate ion.

How many atoms does NH4 3PO4 have?

Determine the percent composition for ammonium phosphate, (NH4)3PO4, a compound that is used as a fertilizer. atoms. Ammonium phosphate is (NH 4) 3 PO 4. it has 12 hydrogen atoms and 4 oxygen atoms.

How many atoms are in NH4 2cr2o7?

Percent composition by element

Element Symbol # of Atoms
Chromium Cr 2
Hydrogen H 8
Nitrogen N 2
Oxygen O 7

Is NH4 2Cr2O7 soluble in water?

Ammonium dichromate is an inorganic compound with the formula (NH4)2Cr2O7….Ammonium dichromate.

Appearance Orange-red crystals
Density 2.115 g/cm3
Melting point 180 °C (356 °F; 453 K) decomposes
Solubility in water 18.2 g/100ml (0 °C) 35.6 g/100ml (20 °C) 40 g/100ml (25 °C) 156 g/100ml (100 °C)

What happens when NH4 2Cr2O7 is heated?

When ammonium dichromate is heated, it form nitrogen gas, Cr2O3 and water.

How many atoms are in NH4 2hpo4?

Percent composition by element

Element Symbol # of Atoms
Hydrogen H 9
Nitrogen N 2
Oxygen O 4
Phosphorus P 1

What is the name of NH4 2HPO4?

Diammonium hydrogen phosphate

How many atoms are in NH4 2SO4?

(NH4)2SO4 has 2 N atoms ,8 atoms of H,1 atom of S,4 atoms of O.

How many ions are in NH4 2SO4?


Is NH4 2hpo4 ionic?

When ammonia and hydrogen sulfate are reacted with each other two positively charged ammonium ions and one negatively charged sulfate ion are attracted to each other due to their opposite charges. This results in the formation of an ionic compound that is ammonium sulfate or (NH4)2SO4.

Is NH4 ionic?

Is NH4 an ionic compound? No, NH4 is a covalent compound. NH4 is a polyatomic ion, often referred to as NH4+ (ammonium ion). The four hydrogens are covalently bonded to the nitrogen (the nitrogen is the central atom in the chemical structure of this covalently bonded compound).

What ions are present in NH4 2S?

Answer Expert Verified (NH4) 2S ==> 2 NH4 (+) + S (2-). Ammonium sulfide is the ammonium salt of hydrogen sulfide. It has the formula (NH4) 2S and belongs to the sulfide family.

Does NH4 2S dissolve in water?

The acetate (CH3COO-) salts are all soluble. 6. Sulfides (S2-) are usually insoluble. Exceptions include Na2S, K2S, (NH4)2S, MgS, CaS, SrS, and BaS.

Is NH4 2S soluble in water?

Is (NH4)2S ( Ammonium sulfide ) Soluble or Insoluble in water ?

Soluble List
(NH4)2S ( Ammonium sulfide ) Soluble
(NH4)3PO4 ( Ammonium phosphate ) Soluble
AgC2H3O2 ( Silver acetate ) Soluble

What is the charge of NH4?

Globally, therefore, the NH4 molecule is positively charged, i.e., it is a cation. This particular cation is called the ammonium ion. Notice that +1 and –1 formal charges in HN3 balance each other out. Overall, the molecule is electrostatically neutral.

Is NH4 positive or negative?

NH4+ has a + charge because it is NH3 that has formed a bond with a H+ using the N lone pair. The whole ion has 1 more proton than it has electrons hence the charge.

Is NH4 a polyatomic ion?

NH4 is the positive polyatomic Ammonium. It is one of the few positive polyatomic ions.

Is SO3 polyatomic?

Note all numbers in parentheses are considered subscripts!!!!…Polyatomic Ions Formulas and Names.

(SO3) sulfite
(CO3) carbonate
(SeO4) selenate
(NH4) ammonium

Is CO3 2 a polyatomic ion?

Carbonate Ion is a polyatomic ion with formula of CO3(2-).

Is h2so4 a polyatomic ion?

Polyatomic Ionic Compound Sulfuric Acid For example, sulfuric acid, with the chemical formula H2SO4, contains hydrogen ions and the polyatomic sulfate anion SO4-2.