What is the name for an object shaped like a bean?

What is the name for an object shaped like a bean?

Fabiform comes from a combination of faba, the Latin word for broad bean, and fōrma, the Latin word for figure, model, or mold. When we came across fabiform, it occurred to us that we never really knew a word for describing things shaped like a bean.

Where do shape names come from?

Most shapes get their name based on the number of sides they have. Shapes also get their names from many different languages. Sometimes shapes dont have to get their name from the number of sides they have. They can get their name out of what they look like or what they smell like.

How are geometric shapes and objects classified?

Sometimes, only the outline or external boundary of the object is considered to determine its shape. Simple shapes can often be classified into basic geometric objects such as a point, a line, a curve, a plane, a plane figure (e.g. square or circle), or a solid figure (e.g. cube or sphere).