What is the most powerful explosive known to man?

What is the most powerful explosive known to man?

Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful explosions known in the universe.

Which is the most powerful and popular military explosive?

PETN. One of the most powerful explosive chemicals known to us is PETN, which contains nitro groups which are similar to that in TNT and the nitroglycerin in dynamite. But the presence of more of these nitro groups means it explodes with more power.

What is the most explosive substance?

Azidoazide azide is the most explosive chemical compound ever created. It is part of a class of chemicals known as high-nitrogen energetic materials, and it gets its "bang" from the 14 nitrogen atoms that compose it in a loosely bound state. This material is both highly reactive and highly explosive.

What is the most explosive element?


What is the most powerful military explosive?

What causes the greatest damage in an explosion?

That is the region of traveling shockwave where original traveling shockwave constructively interfered with the shockwave reflected. This reflection occurs mostly from the ground in battle conditions.

Can you shoot dynamite to make it explode?

Again, depending on the type of dynamite and what you shoot it with, yes dynamite will generally explode if you shoot it. The 'straight' dynamites, those that are primarily nitroglycerin and an absorbent, are the most shock sensitive.

What causes dynamite to explode?

Dynamite is simply some sort of absorbent material (like sawdust) soaked in nitroglycerin. The absorbent material makes the nitroglycerin much more stable. You normally use a blasting cap to detonate dynamite — a blasting cap creates a small explosion that triggers the larger explosion in the dynamite itself.

What is Comp B explosive?

Composition B, colloquially "Comp B", is an explosive consisting of castable mixtures of RDX and TNT. It is used as the main explosive filling in artillery projectiles, rockets, land mines, hand grenades and various other munitions.

What are some examples of explosive substances?

Emulex is explosive material that is a sensitive emulsion explosive with a greyish-yellow paste like texture wrapped in plastic film or rigid paper tube cartridges. It is used in rock blasting in quarry.

What is the correct order of components in a high explosive train?

The high-explosive train is usually composed of a detonator, booster, and main charge.

What are the four components of an improvised explosive device?

The IED core components are the power source, initiator, main charge, and switch. Optional components consist of a booster charge, shrapnel, and a container.

What is the difference between explosion and detonation?

Detonators are used frequently in the Laboratory's work. Explosion is a general term for an accelerated release of energy generating extreme temperatures, releasing of gases and expanding volume. Discovered in 1881 by French scientists, detonation is the result of a supersonic wave initiating a secondary explosion.

Is Wet dynamite dangerous?

Even though the diatomaceous earth takes away some of the dangers of nitroglycerin, there are still problems because the mixture is not stable in damp environments. Water causes the nitroglycerin to leak away. The nitroglycerin can build up, and explode unexpectedly.

What are the two classes of high explosives?

two types: (1) detonating, or high, explosives and (2) deflagrating, or low, explosives.

How fast does an explosion shockwave travel?

Gases are released from the explosive at the super speedy rate of 26,400 feet per second (8,050 meters per second), pummeling everything in its immediate wake.

What are the most widely used low explosives?

the most widely used explosive in the low explosive group. It is a mixture of potassium or sodium nitrate, charcoal and sulfer.

What is the most obvious post explosion characteristic of a high or contained low explosive?

T/F: The most obvious characteristic of a high or contained low explosive is the presence of a crater at the origin of the blast.

What is a primary high explosive?

Primary high explosives are extremely sensitive to mechanical shock, friction, and heat, to which they will respond by burning rapidly or detonating. Secondary high explosives, also called base explosives, are relatively insensitive to shock, friction, and heat.

What are Class A explosives?

The term "explosives" shall include all material which is classified as Class A, Class B, and Class C explosives by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and includes, but is not limited to dynamite, black powder, pellet powders, initiating explosives, blasting caps, electric blasting caps, safety fuse, fuse lighters,