What is the most expensive private school in NYC?

What is the most expensive private school in NYC?

Horace Mann School, Bronx, New York City.

What is the best school in NYC?

Not really. If anything, New York's public schools are mediocre — and none more so than New York City's 1,800 non-charter schools. A recent independent study showed that as many as 60 percent of city kids who managed to graduate can't do college-level work without extensive remediation.

What is a 600 school in NYC?

As late as the 1970's, violent and disruptive students were removed from New York City's regular public schools and placed in so-called "600 schools," where teachers were paid an extra $600 a year for hazardous duty. The schools became dumping grounds for troubled children and were wisely phased out.

What is the best high school on Long Island?

Additionally, US News & World Reports placed Thomas Jefferson High in the top five best schools in the country. That's a pretty decent track record. With stats such like these, top colleges such as Harvard, Yale and Columbia keep a close on eye on students from Thomas Jefferson High School.