What is the message in The Importance of Being Earnest?

What is the message in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Morality and the constraints it imposes on society is a favorite topic of conversation in The Importance of Being Earnest. Algernon thinks the servant class has a responsibility to set a moral standard for the upper classes.

What literary devices are used in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Both, irony and hyperbole are two clever literary techniques used by Oscar Wilde in the “Importance of Being Earnest” to portray his criticism towards the upper-class Victorian society in a comedic manner.

What is the irony in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Dramatic irony is a comedic element used when the audience has information characters in the story do not. For example, in The Importance of Being Earnest, the audience is aware of Jack’s true identity before other characters in the story discover this information.

Who does Cecily marry in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Gwendolen and Cecily are the two major female characters in The Importance of Being Earnest, as they are the love interests of Jake and Algernon. The two women meet in Act II and become fast friends before getting into a minor argument when they think they are preparing to marry the same man.

What is the message of chapter a letter to God?

Answer. The main message imparted through this chapter is that no matter what situation one is in, they should have complete faith in God. Even if they don’t achieve the desired results, one should never lose their faith in God and always believe that all their problems would be solved in due course of time.

What is the moral of the story the letter?

the moral of the story the letter is that one must be patienceful,able to understand others problem. a person should not be selfish, impatient,rude. he or she should not create any pre conception about other’s nobody has the right to judge anybody .

What is a Lencho?

Lencho is the main character of the story “The Letter to God.” He is a poor farmer who is the sole bread-earner of the family. He had faith in God. Throughout the morning Lencho sat in his house and waited for the rain to come. The rain would help his crops to get prepared for their harvest.