What is the means of immediate?

What is the means of immediate?

Immediate is a word that pretty much means "now." If you take immediate action, then there's no delay. The related word immediately should be a clue, since it also means "right now." If something is happening later, or it happened a long time ago, or you have to wait for it at all, then it's not immediate.

What does immediate action mean?

Immediate action means a remedial action that is taken within a short period of time after the discharge of a hazardous substance or contamination occurs, or after the discovery of the discharge or contamination.

What are immediate causes?

Immediate Cause. The final act in a series of provocations leading to a particular result or event, directly producing such result without the intervention of any further provocation.

What is the synonym for immediate?

1'the UN resolution called for immediate action' SYNONYMS. instant, instantaneous, on-the-spot, prompt, swift, speedy, rapid, quick, expeditious. sudden, hurried, hasty, precipitate, abrupt.