What is the meaning of the suffix in the term spermicide?

What is the meaning of the suffix in the term spermicide?

to kill. in the terms homicide and spermicide, the suffix -cide means. to view the bladder.

What is the word part added to the end of a word called?

A prefix is a group of letters (or an affix) that's added to the beginning of a word, and a suffix is an affix that's added to the end of a word. Prefixes modify the meaning of a word.

When giving the meaning of the word you usually begin with?

root. when giving the meaning of the word, you usually begin with the: suffix. in the term neopathy, the suffix -pathy means: disease.

What suffix means knowledge?

Root genet- means. origin or gene, is teamed with the suffix -ic which means pertaining to, to form the word genetic, pertaining to a gene. Again the root genet is teamed withthe suffix- ics, which means knowledge of, to form the word genetics, the knowledge of or the science of the inheritance of characterisitcs.