What is the meaning of Sidekick?

What is the meaning of Sidekick?

: a person closely associated with another as a subordinate or partner.

Is sidekick an insult?

Therefore, while it’s not insulting to call Robin a “sidekick” (since it’s kind of a formal designation for superheroes assistants), if you use it about one of a pair of friends, it can sound insulting.

Who was the first superhero sidekick?


What is the purpose of a sidekick?

A sidekick is a secondary character whose primary role is to aid the protagonist as they work to achieve a goal, overcome an antagonist, or undergo necessary internal development. (Or perhaps all three!) Though fairly ubiquitous in fiction, a sidekick isn’t often essential to a story’s success.

Who is Batman’s sidekick?

What’s another word for Sidekick?

What is another word for sidekick?

mate friend
helper buddy
chum companion
comrade aide
deputy amigo

What is another word for partner in crime?

What is another word for partner in crime?

accomplice accessory
ally colleague
cooperator abetter
aid fellow conspirator
comrade companion

What’s another word for best friends?

best friend

  • bosom buddy.
  • close friend.
  • companion.
  • confidant.
  • dear friend.
  • pal.
  • soul mate.

What is another name for assistant?

What is another word for assistant?

deputy aide
helper junior
partner subordinate
associate attendant
collaborator lieutenant

What is another word for teacher assistant?

•practice teacher (noun) teacher’s aide, apprentice teacher, pupil teacher.

What is another word for administrative assistant?

What is another word for administrative assistant?

personal assistant assistant
aide secretary
administrator PA
right arm ADC
man Friday adjutant

What is another name for assistant manager?


What is another name for manager?

What is another word for manager?

administrator executive
boss head
superintendent governor
proprietor overseer
chief foreman

What is a better word for boss?

What is another word for boss?

head chief
master supervisor
employer kingpin
overseer owner
superintendent governor

What do we call a female boss?

A female leader of a work crew (a female foreperson or female foreman) forewoman. boss. manageress.

What is slang for boss?

kingpin. big cheese (old-fashioned, slang) numero uno (informal) Mister Big (slang, mainly US)

What is a powerful person called?

1 energetic, mighty, potent, robust, stalwart, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous. 2 authoritative, commanding, controlling, dominant, influential, prevailing, puissant, sovereign, supreme.

Who is the most important person in the world?

Top 100 List

  • Muhammad (570 – 632 AD) Prophet of Islam.
  • Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) – British mathematician and scientist.
  • Jesus of Nazareth (c.
  • Buddha (c 563 – 483 BC) Spiritual Teacher and founder of Buddhism.
  • Confucius (551 – 479 BC) – Chinese philosopher.
  • St.
  • Ts’ai Lun (AD 50 – 121) Inventor of paper.

Who is the most important person in your life?

Many people answer that the most important person is their child, their parent, their spouse or some other loved one. But the real answer is YOU! You are the most important person in your life! Most of us were raised to believe that putting ourselves first is selfish.১৮ মার্চ, ২০১৫

What is the best synonym for attractive?


  • alluring.
  • beautiful.
  • enticing.
  • fair.
  • glamorous.
  • interesting.
  • inviting.
  • lovely.

What is another word for unattractive?

What is another word for unattractive?

grotesque hideous
homely ugly
unappealing unlovely
unsightly displeasing
monstrous plain

What’s the opposite of unattractive?

unattractive. Antonyms: attractive, beauteous, beautiful, bewitching, bonny, charming, comely, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fair, fine, graceful, handsome, lovely, picturesque, pretty.২১ জানু, ২০২০

What is the meaning of unattractive?

not attractive

What part of a paragraph 2 is unattractive?

The answer is attract.১৮ মার্চ, ২০১৮

What is the root word in unattractive?

unattractive (adj.) 1729, from un- (1) “not” + attractive.

What’s unattractive in a guy?

19 Things Boys Do That Make Them Instantly Unattractive, No Matter How Hot They Are

  • When he has bad breath.
  • When he’s rude to your family.
  • Smoking.
  • Being aggressive/bossy.
  • When he’s constantly negative.
  • Or when he acts like he doesn’t care about anything.
  • When he constantly tries to one up everyone around him.

What is the root word of unattractive?