What is the meaning of shushing?

What is the meaning of shushing?

Definition of shush. transitive verb. : to urge to be quiet : hush.

Is shushing disrespectful?

Shushing is awkward, even if and when it's necessary, and when done improperly, it can make you look like a bigger jerk than the person screaming on their cell phone in a restaurant. Shushing can also lead to conflict—when people are embarrassed, they tend to get defensive, and situations escalate.

Is shush a real word?

shush | Intermediate English used to tell someone to be quiet: Shush!

Where does shushing come from?

5 Answers. Many words which mean "silence, please" have the digraph 'sh'. E.g. hush and shush. The origin of all these words however, was the Middle English word huisst(pronounced "wheesht"), which originated in round about 1350–1400A.