
What is the meaning of school in Chinese?

What is the meaning of school in Chinese?

School : 学校 Pronunciation: Add to Favorite: noun : 学校, 学院, 校, 学, 学派, 派, 流派, 系, 派别, 家, 宗, 庠 verb : 锻炼, 锻练 School – 学校 Preschool :: 幼儿 Preschools :: 幼儿园 Schooled :: 教育的 Schooling :: 教育 Schools :: 学校

How do you say high school in Mandarin?

高中 is high school or gymnasium.

How do you say high school in Cantonese?

高學 (gou1 hok6 | ) : high school – CantoDict.

What is high school called in China?

Education System in China

Primary Primary School 6–12
Secondary Junior (Lower) Secondary School 12–15
Secondary Senior (Upper) Secondary School 15–18
Post-secondary Short Cycle (Zhuanke) 18–20
Tertiary Bachelor’s Degrees 18–22

What is junior high school in China?

A: High school education in China lasts for six years, and. it is divided into junior and senior high schools, with each being three years long. The junior high school consists of grades 7-9, and the senior high school is composed of grades 10-12. Students entering a school in the same year are called a grade.

Is China good for education?

The system has a great reputation, yet it is very challenging and competitive. According to OCED’s report, Chinese students came out on top in OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. PISA is a test that rates the reading, math, and science skills of 15-year-olds in 65 countries.

What subjects are taught in China?

The primary school curriculum consists of Chinese, mathematics, physical education, music, basic science, history and geography, combined with practical work experience around the school campus. All primary schools are required to offer courses on morality and ethics and English is often introduced in grade four….

Can I excuse myself from school if I’m 18?

Can I excuse myself from high school? Legally you can write your own excuse notes at 18, as you are an adult. Be aware, however, that the school is not obligated to give you an excused absence if it doesn’t fulfill their requirements for one. It’s just the same as if your parents wrote it.

Are your parents responsible for you at 18?

Parental obligations typically end when a child reaches the age of majority, which is 18 years old in most states. Federal financial aid doesn’t consider a parent who doesn’t want to pay for college, even if the student no longer lives at home, to be a sufficient reason to consider the student independent….