What is the meaning of omniscient?

What is the meaning of omniscient?

1 : having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight an omniscient author the narrator seems an omniscient person who tells us about the characters and their relations— Ira Konigsberg. 2 : possessed of universal or complete knowledge the omniscient God.

How do you use omniscient in a sentence?

Omniscient in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Melanie felt that it was important to know what every character was thinking, so she wrote her novel from an omniscient point of view.
  2. He thinks he knows what is best for everybody, but as far I know he is not omniscient.

What does Omnibenevolent mean?

Omnibenevolence (from Latin omni- meaning “all”, bene- meaning “good” and volens meaning “willing”) is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “unlimited or infinite benevolence”.

Who is an omniscient narrator?

THIRD-PERSON OMNISCIENT NARRATION: This is a common form of third-person narration in which the teller of the tale, who often appears to speak with the voice of the author himself, assumes an omniscient (all-knowing) perspective on the story being told: diving into private thoughts, narrating secret or hidden events.

What is the opposite of omniscient?

omniscient. Antonyms: short sight, ignorant, fallible.

Can humans be omniscient?

No it is not possible for a human to know everything. Basically the idea is that an omniscient super-human being could predict the future if it knows everything about the current state of the universe.

Is God omniscient?

God is Omniscient. So when we refer to God as being omniscient, we’re describing the fact that He is all-knowing. God knows everything. There isn’t a single thing that can be known, past, present, or future, that God isn’t intricately aware of.

What are the 4 Omnis of God?

Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future.

What is omniscient God?

Omniscience (/ɒmˈnɪʃəns/) is the capacity to know everything. In monotheistic religions, such as Sikhism and the Abrahamic religions, this is an attribute of God. In Jainism, omniscience is an attribute that any individual can eventually attain.

Is God all knowing paradox?

Omnipotence is only one of the attributes of God which has been thought to lead to paradox; another is omniscience. Omniscience seems, at first glance, easy to define: for a being to be omniscient is for that being to know all the truths.

Does God know my name?

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1). That powerful promise confirms that God knows your name! We all like to protect our name. He says, ‘I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Yes, God knows your name.

Does God know who I am?

The good news is, God really does know who you are. He knows each intricate detail of your life, your likes and your dislikes. He even knew you before you were born!

When God call your name twice?

When God calls your name twice, there is an elevation for you. Throughout the Bible this happens to men and women of God. In Genesis 22:11, Abraham proved to God that he was willing to obey him even in taking his son’s life. In Exodus 3:4, God calls Moses name twice because of the elevation he was being called to do.

Why is Jacob not called Israel?

Jacob then demanded a blessing, and the being declared in Genesis 32:28 that, from then on, Jacob would be called יִשְׂרָאֵל, Israel (Yisra`el, meaning “one that struggled with the divine angel” (Josephus), “one who has prevailed with God” (Rashi), “a man seeing God” (Whiston), “he will rule as God” (Strong), or “a …

Who was the last person God spoke to in the Bible?


What day is Jesus birthday?

December 25