What is the meaning of Malam?

What is the meaning of Malam?

address for a learned or educated man

What is Mallam in Hausa?

1. ( Islam) (in Islamic W Africa) a man learned in Koranic studies. 2. ( Islam) (in N Nigeria) a title and form of address for a learned or educated man. [C20: from Hausa]

What does Santiago symbolize?

Santiago, the old fisherman in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, ponders youth and old age during his three-day fishing journey. Santiago dreams of lions, which symbolize youth, strength, and virility.

What are Santiago’s 3 dreams?

Santiago’s third dream is his boyhood dream of the lions, a dream of power and optimism.

What was Santiago’s personal legend?

A Personal Legend, as it’s referred to in The Alchemist, is one’s destiny in life. It’s identifying your purpose in life and pursuing it. When Santiago meets the old King of Salem, Melchizedek, he teaches him what a Personal Legend is. He says that a Personal Legend is “what you have always wanted to accomplish”.

What is the moral lesson of the Old Man and the Sea?

The moral lessons from The Old Man and the Sea are as follows: the journey through life is the reward; a person who lives with courage and integrity can be destroyed but never defeated; and a strong person never complains about what he doesn’t have but instead uses what is at hand with the knowledge that it is one’s …

What is the main message of the Old Man and the Sea?

Among the many aspects of the story, it is the idea of redefining success and victory that makes The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway’s classic novella, so profound. It is a seemingly simple story: Santiago is an old, experienced fisherman who hasn’t brought in a catch for months.

What does an old man symbolize?

The old man symbolizes all innocent refugees who have been displaced by the horrific realities of wars that they do not understand. He is a simple man concerned with the everyday things with which his life has always been absorbed.

Is the Old Man with Enormous Wings An angel?

The priest decides that, despite his wings, the old man is not an authentic angel, and he warns the townspeople about being fooled by circus tricks. He also writes to his own church authorities for further guidance.

What does the old man being an angel represent?

The old man represents humanity, but his wings suggest that he has escaped, flown above the crowd. By being a fresh and blood angel, he shows the good and bad of humanity. When the old man arrives, Elisenda and Pelayo plan to kill him, but Pelayo doesn’t have the heart for it. He shows compassion.

What does Manolin symbolize?

Manolin, the young boy who loves, admires, and cares for the old man, symbolizes hope and the future. He is Santiago’s only friend and companion; his help, literally, sustains the old man. Manolin is there every night helping pack up Santiago’s gear and providing food to make sure the old man won’t starve.

What does the sea symbolize?

The ocean is a symbol of power, strength, life, mystery, hope and truth. It is also referred to as being the tears, or sorrow, of God. The ocean’s salt symbolizes stability. In dreams, the ocean may represent a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.