
What is the meaning of God sees the truth but waits?

What is the meaning of God sees the truth but waits?

Lesson Summary. ‘God Sees the Truth, But Waits’ is an aptly titled short story that reinforces the biblical message that when the world is up against you, God alone knows the truth. Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov is falsely imprisoned for 26 years for a crime he did not commit but puts his trust in God.

What does Aksionov realize by the end of the story in God sees the truth but waits?

What does Aksionov realize by the end of the story in ”God Sees the Truth, But Waits”? His home and family are the only things that matter. His home and family are temporary things. He can’t depend on anyone or anything but himself.

Who killed the merchant in God sees the truth but waits?


Why didn’t Aksionov reveal the truth about Makar?

f) Why didn’t Makar disclose that he had killed the merchant? Makar had an attitude of not admitting his guilt. So he did not disclose that he had killed the merchant. When Aksionov asked whether he knew the murderer, he replied that it must have been the person, in whose bag the knife was found.

What was Aksionov realization by the end of the story?

Aksionov realized that vengeance will get nothing. God knows the truth and God’s will happen. He forgave Makar and felt light at the end.

Did Makar feel guilty when he heard Aksionov?

In spite of what Aksionov had said, Makar Semyonich confessed, his guilt. But when the order for his release came, Aksionov was already dead.

In what country is God sees the truth but waits set?


What is the importance of Aksionov’s wife’s dream?

Ivan Aksionov’s wife’s dream is a premonition of the terrible fate that awaits him. In her nightmare, she dreams that when he returns from the fair, he will have gray hair. This could be interpreted as meaning that Ivan will be separated from his wife, and will only be able to return to her when he’s old and gray.

Why did Aksionov’s wife faint?

Aksionov’s wife fainted as she saw him in chains and wearing the dress of a prisoner and shut within the jail along with other criminals and thieves. Explanation: As per the question, Aksionov’s wife faints because she saw her husband in the prison dress and wearing chains in hands like criminals.

What was Aksionov’s realization by the end of the story?

How does forgiving Makar affect Aksionov?

When Aksionov reminisces about everything he has lost, his anger rises against Makar Semyonich. He has little peace, despite his prayers to God. In the end, an opportunity arises for Aksionov to betray Makar Semyonich and cause his archenemy suffer.

What dream Aksionov’s wife saw a night before he was Travelling?

Answer. (B) What dream Aksionov’s wife saw a night before he was travelling? Answer – Aksionov’s wife saw a night before he was travelling that when he returned from the town, and when he took off his cap, she saw that his hair was quite grey.