What is the meaning of canape?

What is the meaning of canape?

A canapé (French: [kanape]) is a type of hors d’œuvre, a small, prepared, and often decorative food, consisting of a small piece of bread (sometimes toasted), puff pastry, or a cracker wrapped around or topped with some savoury food, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite.

What is canapes base?

The technical and traditional interpretation of a canapé consists of a base of bread , a spread, a main item, and a garnish. The base is usually cut into a shape i.e. cycle, square or triangle and is baked or fried. The spread is traditionally either a compound butter or a flavored cream cheese.

How is pide pronounced?

Pide – “PEE-dae”

Why is the L silent in TALK?

In walk, chalk, and talk, the L comes after an A, and the vowel is pronounced like a short O. Half and calf have an AL, too, but the vowel is pronounced like the short A in staff. In could, should, and would, the L comes after OU, and the sound is exactly like the OO in good.

Why is H silent in hour?

H is silent in many English words, for various reasons. The words hour and honest come from French, and in these cases English took over the French pronunciation as well as the word. Not all such words that have come into English from French still have a silent h, however.

Is the G silent in tongue?

The spelling tongue is thus neither etymological nor phonetic, and is only in a very small degree historical.] The spelling comes from the French, and indicates that the g was once pronounced — in other words, it wasn’t always just an engma (ŋ).

Is the G silent in wrong?

1 Answer. Basically, the rule is: when the ng comes at the end of a word, you do not pronounce the g (ŋ), and when it is in the middle of a word and followed by a vowel, you do pronounce the g (ŋɡ). However, some dialects treat two words (e.g. wrong of) as one (wrongof) and pronounce it accordingly.

Is tongue pronounced Tong or tung?

“Tongue” seems to be pronounced in one of two ways, both in Britain and N America. There are those who, like myself pronounce it with an “o” sound- tong, and those that pronouce it with a “u” sound- tung.

How do you pronounce the Nguyen meme?

Southern Vietnamese tend to clip some of their sounds, so Nguyen would be pronounced something like “Win” or “Wen.” Northern Vietnamese would keep it, giving a pronunciation more like “N’Win” or “Nuh’Win,” all done as best you can in one syllable.