What is the meaning of 🔥?

What is the meaning of 🔥?

🔤 Meaning. Depicting a reddish-yellow flame, 🔥 Fire is used to convey, beyond literal fires, a range of figurative expressions connected to fire. This includes senses of "excellent" (lit), "attractive" (hot), "scathing or searing" (sick burn), or "performing exceptionally well" (on fire), among other senses.

What is the full meaning of fire?

Rate it: FIRE. Fight, Isolate, Report, Extinguish.

What does Washover mean in fire?

A flashover is the near-simultaneous ignition of most of the directly exposed combustible material in an enclosed area. Flashover occurs when the majority of the exposed surfaces in a space are heated to their autoignition temperature and emit flammable gases (see also flash point).