What is the major dramatic question in Tartuffe?

What is the major dramatic question in Tartuffe?

What is the play’s Major Dramatic Question? “Will Orgon realize that Tartuffe isn’t who he seems to be and has bad intentions?” he has to Tartuffe and is made a fool and almost loses his home.

Who is the hero in Tartuffe?


Who is Tartuffe in love with?


Character Description
Mariane: Mlle de Brie Daughter of Orgon, the fiancée of Valère and sister of Damis
Damis: André Hubert Son of Orgon and brother of Mariane
Laurent Servant of Tartuffe (non-speaking character)
Argas Friend of Orgon who was anti-Louis XIV during the Fronde (mentioned but not seen).

What is the main action of the play Tartuffe?

What is the rising action in Tartuffe? The family is trying to get rid of Tartuffe b/c he is deceiving Orgon. Orgon won’t listen to their advice and breaks off the marriage of Mariane’s engagement with Valare to arrangements for her to marry Tartuffe.

How is Tartuffe a hypocrite?

The title character of this work, Tartuffe, is the ultimate hypocrite: his sinful actions completely contradict the Catholic values that he preaches. Although Tartuffe claims to be pious, charitable, and holy, he is in fact lustful, greedy, and treacherous.

How does Tartuffe relate to today?

The way I see it, Tartuffe is relevant to today’s society because we still live in a world of Religious Hypocracy. Tartuffe is a story of Orgon’s foolishness and how he is dooped by the Religious Hypocrite Tartuffe.

Who does Tartuffe try to seduce?


What is the theme of hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy makes people do irresponsible things. Our judgment often becomes clouded by the actions of others who influence the way we behave.

Who is the biggest hypocrite in the crucible?

Abigail Williams

How is Dimmesdale a hypocrite?

Arthur Dimmesdale is regarded a hypocrite since he puts his sin of adultery out of sight and acts as if he were not the adulterer. He cannot admit what he has committed with Hester for seven years.

Why is Dimmesdale a coward?

Arthur Dimmesdale’s inability to confess is strictly due to his fear of confrontation thus characterizing him as a coward. The fact that Dimmesdale does not publicly acknowledge or reveal his sin only contributes in denouncing himself as well as his courage.

Who committed the greatest sin in the scarlet letter?

Roger Chillingworth

Why does Dimmesdale feel guilty?

Dimmesdale feels guilty because he is the cause of Hester Prynne’s public punishment and her societal dismissal. No wonder his guilt and anguish literally killed him in the end.

How did Dimmesdale punish himself?

To relieve his guilt, Dimmesdale punishes himself in several ways. He goes without food and sleep for long periods of time, and he also whips himself on his back, causing cuts and bleeding. These attempts to atone for his sins do not work.

Why does Dimmesdale keep his hand over his heart?

What is Dimmesdale’s idosyncratic gesture? He puts his hand over his heart to “cover” up his guilt and pain for not admitting to the sin he committed. He’s trying to hold himself back from not exposing himself.

Why does Chillingworth want revenge?

Chillingworth does want revenge because, as he says to Hester, this man “has wronged us both!” He feels that he shares some responsibility for Hester’s… (The entire section contains 2 answers and 646 words.)

Does Chillingworth still love Hester?

Roger Chillingworth and Hester Prynne Relationship in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Scarlet Letter ‘ Roger Chillingworth married Hester into an unnatural and “pseudo” relationship. He did not love her and she did not love him.

Why did Chillingworth marry Hester?

In The Scarlet Letter, Chillingworth married Hester because he hoped to find some happiness in married life, and she was young and beautiful. He had lived a pretty lonely and solitary existence for most of his years, and he longed for the happiness that he saw so many others enjoy.

What was Chillingworth’s real name?

Roger Chillingworth, fictional character, the vengeful cuckolded physician husband of Hester Prynne, protagonist of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter (1850). Vindictive and sly, Chillingworth ministers to the Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale, with whom his wife has had an affair, after Dimmesdale becomes ill.

Who is Hester’s baby daddy?

Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale Dimmesdale is a young man who achieved fame in England as a theologian and then emigrated to America. In a moment of weakness, he and Hester became lovers. Although he will not confess it publicly, he is the father of her child.

Who is Hester Prynne’s lover?

Arthur Dimmesdale

What is Chillingworth’s secret?

What are Hester Prynne’s secrets? Hester keeps secret the name of her illegitimate child’s father (Reverend Dimmesdale) and the true identity of Roger Chillingworth (her husband). She will not reveal Pearl’s father to protect Reverend Dimmesdale’s reputation, as he is the minister of the church.

Why does Hester refuse to name her lover?

Why does Hester refuse to reveal her partner’s sin? Hester wants to protect Dimmesdale because she know that it would be much worse for Dimmesdale than it would be for her. She is proof that Pearl is good for Hester.

Does Hester love Dimmesdale?

Hester realizes that she still loves Dimmesdale, and she courageously tells him this, even as she reveals her silence concerning Chillingworth. Hawthorne contrasts their love — “which had a consecration of its own” — and Chillingworth’s revenge and asks the reader which sin is worse.

Does Chillingworth forgive Hester?

Does Chillingworth ever forgive Hester? Yes, he forgive her, he said to her he still love her, but he also said to her that he would have revenge. He wanted to kill the man that was the father of Pearl.