What is the main plot of Tartuffe?

What is the main plot of Tartuffe?

Plot of Tartuffe Tartuffe is a wanderer whom Orgon takes into his home. The first attempt at entrapment fails as Orgon’s son, Damis, misinterprets the situation and accuses Tartuffe of treachery. Tartuffe plays the victim and Orgon disinherits Damis, calling him ”traitor, you’re a blight/on this house.

What is the message of Tartuffe?

The main theme of Tartuffe is hypocrisy—pretending to be something one is not or claiming to believe something one does not. Some characters in the play are knowingly hypocrites—Tartuffe, the invisible Laurent, and Monsieur Loyal. Other characters—such as Orgon and his mother—do not recognize their own hypocrisy.

Who is Tartuffe in love with?


Character Description
Mariane: Mlle de Brie Daughter of Orgon, the fiancée of Valère and sister of Damis
Damis: André Hubert Son of Orgon and brother of Mariane
Laurent Servant of Tartuffe (non-speaking character)
Argas Friend of Orgon who was anti-Louis XIV during the Fronde (mentioned but not seen).

What happens Tartuffe?

Tartuffe brings with him officers of the court, but, as the family is about to be evicted, the officer reveals that the king has seen through the hypocrisy of Tartuffe and has ordered him to be imprisoned for this and for other crimes. The king has also restored to Orgon all of his rightful property.

Does Tartuffe go to jail?

However, he prepares to arrest Tartuffe, not Orgon. Tartuffe is aghast. The Exempt explains that Tartuffe will be locked in jail without bail, because the King cannot be easily deceived by fraud.

Who does Tartuffe try to seduce?


Why is Tartuffe a hypocrite?

The title character of this work, Tartuffe, is the ultimate hypocrite: his sinful actions completely contradict the Catholic values that he preaches. Although Tartuffe claims to be pious, charitable, and holy, he is in fact lustful, greedy, and treacherous.

What act does Tartuffe first appear?

Tartuffe: Summary & Analysis Act I Scene 1 | Tartuffe Play Summary & Study Guide | CliffsNotes.

Why did Tartuffe get banned?

King Louis XIV issued a ban against the public performance of Moliere’s Tartuffe because of its depiction of a member of the clergy as an impostor and a hypocrite.

Is Tartuffe a comedy or tragedy?

Tartuffe is very much a play of the world, a satiric comedy. Set in an urban landscape, the play insistently translates the idealized passions of tragedy and romantic comedy—love, honor, loyalty—into their ironic counterparts—lust, hypocrisy, betrayal.

What makes Tartuffe funny?

Tartuffe is a five-act stage comedy that satirizes religious hypocrisy. To win the laughter of the audience, the author infuses the play with witty dialogue, caricature, situation comedy, and irony. The setting is a middle-class home in Paris.

Who was Molière?

Molière, original name Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, (baptized January 15, 1622, Paris, France—died February 17, 1673, Paris), French actor and playwright, the greatest of all writers of French comedy.

Which play by Molière was banned in Paris?

The popular version of Molière’s Tartuffe is the third version of the play. It was originally written as a three-act play for a festival at court in 1664, but it was denounced as an open attack on religion, and Molière was forbidden to present it in public.

What did Moliere’s father want him to become?

Moliere’s real name was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. Moliere’s father wanted him to study to become a lawyer.

Who was Moliere influenced by?

Jean Racine

What was Moliere’s real name?

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

What style of Theatre greatly influenced Molière’s writing?

Molière’s comedies were influenced heavily by Italian commedia dell’arte troupes touring Europe. Commedia dell’arte was based in improvisation and included stock characters in a variety of pre- determined scenarios. The actors wore masks to define their character type and performed slapstick gags called lazzi.

Where was Moliere buried?


Why did Molière change his name?

He had met a young actress, Madeleine Béjart, with whom he was to be associated until her death in 1672. Since the theater life was not considered very respectable, he assumed the name “Molière” in order to spare embarrassment to his family.

Where is Moliere from?

Rue Saint-Honoré, Paris, France

What was the title of the last play in which Moliere performed?

In 1673, during a production of his final play, The Imaginary Invalid, Molière, who suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, was seized by a coughing fit and a haemorrhage while playing the hypochondriac Argan.

What type of invalid was the title of one of Molière’s plays?

Le Malade imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid) was Molière’s final play, first performed in February 1673 in Paris.

What the devil was he doing in that galley?

Sganarelle is the valet in Les Fourberies de Scapin. He’s the character that invents a fake kidnapping on a Turkish galley to get some cash from the old Géronte. Hence the famous phrase “Mais que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère?” (“What the devil was he doing in that galley?”)

What is Moliere legacy?

Molière (1622-1673), France’s greatest comic dramatist, who produced, directed, and acted in the plays he wrote. Many of his comedies addressed serious themes and pointed the way to modern drama and experimental theater.

What was the focus of plays written in the Romantic period?

Romantic Plays, old and new, tended to appeal to emotions rather than intellect. Special effects therefore focused on the supernatural and the mysterious – visual over verbal, sensational rather than intellectual..

Why did commedia dell’arte start?

Commedia’s origins have not been conclusively determined, and scholars have demonstrated a variety of possible factors in its development: the masked, improvised comedy of the Roman Atellan farce tradition; the mime theatre of the Byzantine world; the jugglers and traveling players of Medieval Europe; the market …

Why is Moliere famous?

Moliere is considered the world’s greatest writer of comedies. Many of his plays have also been translated for performances in English theatres, giving him a considerable reputation abroad. Moliere, whose real name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin, was born in Paris.

When was the theater invented?

5th century

What was Moliere doing a few hours before his death?

In 1673, during a production of his final play, The Imaginary Invalid, Molière, who suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, was seized by a coughing fit and a haemorrhage while playing the hypochondriac Argan. He finished the performance but collapsed again and died a few hours later.

Is Moliere public domain?

Works about Molière Works by this author published before January 1, 1926 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted.