What is the main difference between growth and development?

What is the main difference between growth and development?

Growth is termed as a physical change, where as development is said to be physical as well as social or psychological change. 5. When the term growth is related to living beings, it can mean the increase in weight, height and bone seize. On the other hand, development is the process of developing skills and capacities.

What are the differences between growth and development in psychology?

Summary: “Growth” and “development” always come in pairs. Psychology defines “growth” as “the physical change that a particular individual undergoes.” … Development includes the understanding of how and why people change in terms of physical growth, intellectual, emotional, social, and other aspects of human growth.

What is the difference between growth and development in plant?

The main difference between growth and development in biology is that growth is the increase in size and mass of a particular organism over a period of time whereas development is the overall changes in the whole organism in terms of organization and function.