What is the logarithm of 0.0001 with respect to base 10?

What is the logarithm of 0.0001 with respect to base 10?

Log base 10 of 0.0001 is approximately −4 .

What is the value of log 0.001 base 10?

1 Answer. The answer is clearly −3 .

What is the value of log 8 1?


What is the value of log 1 by 5?


What is log of infinity?

The natural log function of infinity is denoted as “loge ∞”. It is also known as the log function of infinity to the base e. The natural log of ∞ is also represented as ln( ∞) Loge ∞ = ∞ (or) ln( ∞)= ∞ Both the common logarithm and the natural logarithm value of infinity possess the same value.

Is log base 1 defined?

The base of the logarithm: Can be only positive numbers not equal to 1.

Is log 0 defined?

log 0 is undefined. It’s not a real number, because you can never get zero by raising anything to the power of anything else. log 1 = 0 means that the logarithm of 1 is always zero, no matter what the base of the logarithm is. This is because any number raised to 0 equals 1.

Can a log have a negative solution?

Logarithms cannot have non-positive arguments (that is, arguments which are negative or zero), but quadratics and other equations can have negative solutions. Each log in the equation had the same base, and each side of the log equation ended up with the value, so the solution “checks”.

What is log of numbers less than 1?

In fact, the log of a number less than 1 must be negative: Since 0.01 = 10-2, we must have log 0.01 = -2. Also, log 0.001 = -3. Since 1 = 100, we have log 1 = 0.

What is log and antilog?

log(A) Antilogarithms. The antilogarithm (also called an antilog) is the inverse of the logarithm transform. Since the logarithm (base 10) of 1000 equals 3, the antilogarithm of 3 is 1000. To compute the antilogarithm of a base 10 logarithm, take ten to that power.

What is the log of any number?

The log of any number is the power to which the base must be raised to give that number. We are most familiar with base 10 since any number greater than zero can be expressed as 10x. For example, log(10) is 1 (because 101 =10), log(100) is 2 (because 102 = 100), and log(2) is 0.3 (because 100.3 ≈ 2).

What are the log rules?

The rules apply for any logarithm logbx, except that you have to replace any occurence of e with the new base b. The natural log was defined by equations (1) and (2)….Basic rules for logarithms.

Rule or special case Formula
Quotient ln(x/y)=ln(x)−ln(y)
Log of power ln(xy)=yln(x)
Log of e ln(e)=1
Log of one ln(1)=0

What is a log function?

A logarithmic function is a function of the form. which is read “ y equals the log of x, base b” or “ y equals the log, base b, of x.”

Why are mathematical logs important?

Logarithmic functions are important largely because of their relationship to exponential functions. Logarithms can be used to solve exponential equations and to explore the properties of exponential functions.

What is a natural log of a number?

The natural logarithm of a number is its logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e, where e is an irrational and transcendental number approximately equal to 2. Parentheses are sometimes added for clarity, giving ln(x), loge(x), or log(x).

How does log work in math?

The logarithm of a number is the exponent by which another fixed value, the base, has to be raised to produce that number. The logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors. The logarithm of the ratio or quotient of two numbers is the difference of the logarithms.

Is ln a log?

ln is the natural logarithm. It is log to the base of e. e is an irrational and transcendental number the first few digit of which are: 2…