What is the least played class in WoW?

What is the least played class in WoW?

The least popular class, on the other hand, is the demon hunter which is chosen by around five percent of all players.

What is the best mage class in WoW?

Fire is overall the best spec for mage right now if that is what you seek as an answer. They have extremely good AoE/Cleave and do really good in single target as well. Fire is the strongest spec right now however you have to be well geared and have to do more homework.

What class does most damage in WoW?

This class is the highest damage dealer throughout WoW Classic. Other classes in this list can come close to rivalling the Warrior and will often shift in the ranking, but Warriors will always stay on top. For raids, Fury provides the highest damage output.

What is the easiest class to level in WoW?

Druid. Druids have access to what is probably the single best leveling ability in the game: Travel form. Travel form grants a 40% speed boost at level 30, which means you'll handily outperform just about any other class while leveling.