What is the input of respiration?

What is the input of respiration?

The inputs, or reactants, of cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen. The outputs, or products, of cellular respiration are water, carbon dioxide…

What are the input and outputs of photosynthesis?

Understand Inputs And Outputs, Purpose : Example Question #10. Which of the following is not true regarding photosynthesis? Explanation: In photosynthesis, water, carbon dioxide, and energy in the form of sunlight are inputs, and the outputs are glucose and oxygen.

What are the inputs and outputs of the respiratory system?

The process through which body produce energy is called respiration. In this process the inputs are food and oxygen and output is Co2 and energy. Answer: Oxygen(input) carbon dioxide(output) Explanation: To be more specific, when you breathe in, you take in oxygen.

How is the respiratory system linked to blood pH?

2 – Respiratory Regulation of Blood pH: The respiratory system can reduce blood pH by removing CO2 from the blood. The chemical reactions that regulate the levels of CO2 and carbonic acid occur in the lungs when blood travels through the lung’s pulmonary capillaries.

How does emphysema reduce the efficiency of gas exchange?

In emphysema, the inner walls of the lungs’ air sacs (alveoli) are damaged, causing them to eventually rupture. This creates one larger air space instead of many small ones and reduces the surface area available for gas exchange.

What system does emphysema affect?

Emphysema primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other organs and systems, including the heart, muscles, and circulatory system, as the disease progresses.

How does emphysema affect the nervous system?

COPD reduces the amount of air your lungs take in, which, over time, can make your blood low in oxygen. Low levels of oxygen to the brain may cause neural damage. This could increase your risk for memory problems.

Does emphysema cause low oxygen levels?

As emphysema becomes more severe, the oxygen level in your blood may become dangerously low. If this happens, breathing in extra oxygen can help you live longer. And it can help you avoid problems that can occur when your body isn’t getting enough oxygen on its own.