What is the importance of eyes?

What is the importance of eyes?

How important are our eyes? The eyes are your body's most highly developed sensory organs. In fact, a far larger part of the brain is dedicated to vision than to hearing, taste, touch, or smell combined.

What happens if you don’t take care of your eyes?

If you don't, you could develop serious infections or ulcers in your eye that are painful, difficult to treat, and may need months of medication or even surgery. Eyes and vision are something no one wants to be without.

What can damage your eyes?

How exactly UV rays can damage your eyes is by causing cataracts and early onset macular degeneration. They can also be to blame for pterygia (abnormal tissue growth on the whites of the eyes) and photokeratitis (sunburn on the cornea, which can cause cracking and blistering).

How are eyes useful to us?

In a single glance, our eyes work with our brains to tell us the size, shape, color, and texture of an object. They let us know how close it is, whether it's standing still or coming toward us, and how quickly it's moving. Only part of the eye is visible in a person's face.