What is the hardest puzzle box?

What is the hardest puzzle box?

The Isis Adventure, often dubbed the world's hardest game, starts as players find a way to open a round puzzle they can hold in their hands. Once inside, a key leads them on a search for a real hidden prize. It is, after all called an "adventure," so removing the puzzle itself from the box is only the beginning.

How do you open the secret box?

What is a Puzzle Box? A Puzzle Box can be opened by moving the sliding pieces of its surfaces. You must move the pieces in the proper sequence and the right direction to open the box.

What is a Japanese puzzle box?

Japanese puzzle box (About Himitsu-Bako) The Japanese puzzle box is a traditional Personal Secret Box (Himitsu-Bako) that was designed over 150 years ago in the Hakone region of Japan. It is valued as a Yosegi-Zaiku is a mosaic woodwork usually applied to small handicrafts such as trays, boxes and chests.

What is a dovetail cube?

This puzzle is devious. Externally, it looks like a cube with dovetails cut on four sides—which should be impossible. In short, the "impossible dovetail" relies on a hidden set of diagonal cuts that allow the puzzle to slide apart diagonally.