
What is the gist of a long walk to water?

What is the gist of a long walk to water?

Park weaves two stories together: that of Nya, a young girl from Sudan in 2008-09, and that of Salva, a Sudanese boy whose story begins in the 1980s and continues into the 2000s. In Nya’s story, she is of the Nuer tribe.

What happened in a long walk to water?

The girl, Nya, is fetching water from a pond that is two hours’ walk from her home: she makes two trips to the pond every day. The boy, Salva, becomes one of the “lost boys” of Sudan, refugees who cover the African continent on foot as they search for their families and for a safe place to stay.

What is the main idea of a long walk to water Chapter 1?

The passage depicts the civil war in Sudan through the eyes of a young child. Salva is understandably confused—and in his confusion, he naturally wants to be with his parents, even though his teacher urges him to run away from his village.

Who dies in a long walk to water?

In chapter 10 Salva’s uncle dies. This is when Salva started coping because she was sad but it made him stronger. In chapter 11 Salva started coping but the deaths made him stronger. This is important because then he wouldn’t stay with the group.

How was NYA’s village able to afford the well?

How was Nya’s village able to afford the well? A school in America raised money to build the well. Everyone in Nya’s village got jobs in the city and paid for the well themselves.

What happens in chapter 18 in a long walk to water?

Salva has realized his dream of providing clean water for the impoverished villagers of Sudan. In doing so, Salva helps to provide opportunities for children like Nya, who would otherwise have to spend much of their waking lives fetching water from a faraway pond.

Why was it difficult for Salva to go back to Sudan?

Why was it difficult for Salva to go back to Sudan? The war was still going on.

What did Nya say to Salva when they met?

He would have to talk to people and ask them to give money. What was the name of the School in America that helped raise money for the well to be dug? What did Nya say to Salva when they met? “Thank you for bringing the water.”

How did Marial die?

Southern Sudan, 1985: In the night, Salva’s friend Marial was taken away and killed by a lion. Salva is very upset and scared. His uncle tries to make him feel better and keeps an extra close eye on the group. The group reaches the Nile River and must build a boat to cross the water.

Does Salva consider himself a man do the rebels consider Salva a man?

Do the rebels consider Salva a man? Salva does think of himself as a man when the rebels try to split the people into two groups. The rebels make him join the group of women and children and say “you are not a man yet.”

What does it mean they are walking to nowhere?

What does it mean they are “walking to nowhere”? How do they survive? This means they have no destination, their walking is aimless, they want only to get away from the rebel fighting. They walk, they sleep on the ground, they have only what they can scavenge from their surroundings. Then they walk some more.

What is the difference between NYA and Salva?

Both characters are in different situations. Salva doesn’t know where his family is while Nya doesn’t know if her family will have enough water. Both characters are afraid of meeting an enemy. Nya doesn’t want to meet a Dinka, Salva’s tribe and Salva doesn’t want to meet a Nuer, Nya’s tribe.

Why is Salva scared of Nuer?

Salva was frightened by the tales he’d heard. He was afraid of being eaten by a lion. In the Dinka language, the Atuot were called “the people of the lion.” Their region was inhabited by large herds of antelope, wildebeest, gnus—and the lions that preyed on them.

Is Nya real in a long walk to water?

Nya is a fictional character, although “she is representative of many of the children who live in the Sudan; everything that happened to Nya is true.”

What is Nya and Salva’s connection?

A similarity between Salva and Nya is that they both thought someone or people they loved were dead. Nya thought her baby sister, Akeer, was going to die, but she had lived. Salva thought his parents and siblings all died, but his mother, father, sisters, and brother were still living.

What is Nya’s mother afraid of?

Nya liked that she did not have to take two long trips a day to get water. What is Nya’s mother afraid of when the family is at the lake camp? Nya’s mother is afraid that there will be a fight and someone in their family will get hurt.

What did the old woman eat Salva?

What does the woman give Salva when he first approaches her? The woman gives him two handfuls of peanuts.

Why does the old woman tell Salva he can’t travel with her?

Why does the old woman say that Salva can’t go with her? The old woman says that Salva can’t go with her, because it would be too dangerous for her to travel with him. If she is alone, the soldiers will not bother her.

What tribe is Salva’s family?

Salva Dut was born in a rural village in southwestern Sudan to the Dinka tribe. At 11 years old, the Sudanese Civil War reached his village and separated Salva from his family. He joined thousands of boys, famously known as the “Lost Boys,” on their journey by foot to seek safety in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya.

Did Salva Dut ever find his family?

Salva Dut was separated from his family during a civil war in what is now South Sudan. Years later, he finds his father who tells him that most of his family survived.

How old is Salva at the end of the book?

Salva Dut was 11 years old, sitting through the last lesson in class and looking forward to the trip home with his schoolmates.