What is the formula for selenium Hexachloride?

What is the formula for selenium Hexachloride?


What is selenium hexafluoride used for?

Selenium hexafluoride is used as a gaseous electric insulator (146). It may be prepared by passing gaseous fluorine over finely divided selenium in a copper vessel. Industrial selenium exposure is common for makers of arc light electrodes, electric rectifiers, and semiconductors.

What is the chemical name for SeF6?

Selenium fluoride

What type of reaction is secl6 o2 seo2 3cl2?

O Single replacement. O Combustion.

What type of chemical reaction is 4Fe 3O2 2Fe2O3?


Is CaCO3 CaO CO2 a balanced equation?

[Note: Shipped as a liquefied compressed gas. Solid form is utilized as dry ice.]…Search by reactants (CaCO 3) and by products (CaO, CO 2)

1 CaCO3 → CO2 + CaO
4 Ca(OH)2 + CaCO3 → H2O + CO2 + CaO

What type of reaction is CO2?

Another special type of combination reaction is a combustion, meaning a reaction in which something combines with oxygen and gives off heat and light: C + O2 → CO2 2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO Combustion of a compound includes break-up (decomposition) of the compound first. 2.

What type of reaction is H2CO3 CO2 H2O?

decomposition reaction

Is CO2 acidic or basic?

Carbon dioxide, which is mildly acidic, is a waste product of the processing (metabolism) of oxygen and nutrients (which all cells need) and, as such, is constantly produced by cells. It then passes from the cells into the blood. The blood carries carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is exhaled.

What H2CO3 called?

Carbonic acid, (H2CO3), a compound of the elements hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. …

What produces CO2 and H2O?

A combustion reaction is when a substance reacts with oxygen and releases a huge amount of energy in the form of light and heat. A combustion reaction always has oxygen as one reactant. A combustion reaction also always produces CO2 and H2O. …

How do you dissolve CO2?

Cold water can dissolve more carbon dioxide than warm water. And the rate at which carbon dioxide is removed from the air depends partly on the activities of water plants and phytoplankton. These organisms remove carbon dioxide from the water, and more gas dissolves from the air to replace it.

What happens when H2O and CO2 are mixed together?

Carbon dioxide dissolves in water and slowly reacts with water to produce carbonic acid. The cloudy white solution observed when CO2 is bubbled into limewater results from a reaction between Ca(OH)2 and either CO2 or H2CO3 to form an insoluble calcium carbonate precipitate.

What happens if CO2 combines with water?

When carbon dioxide mixes with the water it is partially converted into carbonic acid, hydrogen ions (H+), bicarbonate (HCO3–), and carbonate ions (CO32–). Seawater can assimilate much more CO2 than fresh water.

Does CO2 increase pH of water?

As atmospheric CO2 levels increase due to anthropogenic causes, dissolved CO2 also increases, which in turn decreases the pH of water. When water becomes saturated with CO2, it not only reduces the ocean’s pH, but depletes the calcium carbonate sources as well ³⁵.

Does CO2 turn blue litmus red?

CO2​ gas is acidic, hence the acidic property turns blue litmus red.

What gas turns limewater milky?

Carbon Dioxide Gas

What turns red litmus blue?

For instance, ammonia gas, which is alkaline, turns red litmus paper blue. Chemical reactions other than acid–base can also cause a color change to litmus paper.

Which gas turns moist blue litmus red?

sulphur dioxide

Is lime water turns red litmus blue?

Answer. yes, it is true that lime water turns red litmus blue .

Will carbon monoxide change the Colour of blue litmus?

Answer. In the normal scenario,the carbon monoxide will not change the colour of the blue litmus. But if the litmus is soaked into the water,it will change the colour of the wet litmus into the red colour. Because,the carbon monoxide reacts with the water present in the litmus, which generates carbonic acid.

When you add water to Sulphur dioxide and put a blue litmus in it why does it turn red?

Answer: Sulphur dioxide reacts to the addition of water, becoming acidic, that is an acid solution. It is then correctly names sulphuric acid. It will change the blue litmus paper to red, but if the litmus paper is red to begin with, the colour does not change.

What gas smells like Sulphur?

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a gas. It is invisible and has a nasty, sharp smell.

Which gas is produced on burning Sulphur?

Sulphur dioxide gas

What is Sulphur dioxide water?

Sulphur dioxide is a dense colourless gas, which is soluble in water, and has a suffocating and unpleasant smell of burnt matches. Sulphur dioxide is a major component of acid rain since it mixes with water vapour in the atmosphere, reacting to produce sulphuric acid (H2SO4).

What does Sulphur dioxide smell like?

. It is a toxic gas responsible for the smell of burnt matches. It is released naturally by volcanic activity and is produced as a by-product of copper extraction and the burning of fossil fuels contaminated with sulfur compounds. Sulfur dioxide has a pungent smell like nitric acid.

Is Sulphur dioxide good for health?

Abstract. Sulphur dioxide is widely used in the food and drinks industries for its properties as a preservative and antioxidant. Whilst harmless to healthy persons when used in recommended concentrations, it can induce asthma when inhaled or ingested by sensitive subjects, even in high dilution.