What is the fifth musical note?

What is the fifth musical note?

In classical music from Western culture, a fifth is the interval from the first to the last of five consecutive notes in a diatonic scale. The perfect fifth (often abbreviated P5) spans seven semitones, while the diminished fifth spans six and the augmented fifth spans eight semitones.

What is a short musical note called?

In order of halving duration, they are: double note (breve); whole note (semibreve); half note (minim); quarter note (crotchet); eighth note (quaver); sixteenth note (semiquaver).; thirty-second note (demisemiquaver), sixty-fourth note (hemidemisemiquaver), and hundred twenty-eighth note.

What is the sixth musical note?

F, sixth note of the musical alphabet, otherwise the fourth note of the scale of C. It also gives its name to the bass clef, whose distinguishing sign denotes the F line. Further, it serves as an abbreviation for forte (f) and fortissimo (ff).