What is the exact value of sec 315?

What is the exact value of sec 315?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians sec(θ)
270° 3π/2 0
300° 5π/3 2
315° 7π/4 √2
330° 11π/6 2√3/3

What is the exact value of sec 240 degrees?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians sec(θ)
240° 4π/3 -2
270° 3π/2 0
300° 5π/3 2
315° 7π/4 √2

What is the value of ᶲ 240 )=?

tan(240∘)=√3 .

What is the cot of 240 degrees?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians cot(θ)
180° π N/A
210° 7π/6 √3
225° 5π/4 1
240° 4π/3 √3/3

What is the value of cot 210?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians cot(θ)
150° 5π/6 -√3
180° π N/A
210° 7π/6 √3
225° 5π/4 1

What is cot degree?

Use this cotangent calculator to easily calculate the cotangent of an angle given in degrees or radians….Applications of the cotangent function.

x (°) x (rad.) cot(x)
90° π/2 0
120° 2π/3 -0.577350
135° 3π/4 -1
150° 5π/6 -1.732051

What is the exact value of cot 60?


What is the value of sec 45 degree?

Trigonometry Examples The exact value of sec(45) is 2√2 .

Is the value of sin 60?

From the above equations, we get sin 60 degrees exact value as √3/2.

What is the exact value of tan 45?


How do you prove sin 45?

In a right triangle, one angle is, by definition, 90 degrees so the two acute angles sum to 180- 90= 90 degrees. To prove that sin(45 (degrees)) is 1√2 , consider that if a right triangle has one angle with measure 45 degrees then the other acute angle is 90- 45= 45 degrees also.

Why TAN 90 is infinity?

Here the angle is between a ray connecting the origin with the point (x,y) and the x-axis (positive angles measured counterclockwise). Using this method the tan of the angle is defined to be y/x. Since any angle having 90° will be on the y-axis, x will be zero. Division by zero is undefined therefore so is tan (90°).

What is equal to tan?

tan x = sin x cos x . The cotangent of x is defined to be the cosine of x divided by the sine of x: cot x = cos x sin x .

Is the value of sin 30?

The value of sin 30 degrees is 0.5.

What is the exact value of CSC 30?


What is the value cos 30?

Cos 30° = √3/2 is an irrational number and equals to 0.(decimal form). Therefore, the exact value of cos 30 degrees is written as 0.8660 approx. √3/2 is the value of Cos 30° which is a trigonometric ratio or trigonometric function of a particular angle.

What is the COT of 30?

The exact value of cot(30) is √3 .

What CSC 45?

The exact value of csc(45°) csc ( 45 ° ) is √2 .

How do you solve sin 45 without a calculator?

The hypothenuse AC can easily be calculated now: AC=√BC2+AB2=√12+12=√2 . The sine is defined as the ratio between the opposed side and the hypothenuse. Therefore, sin45o=1√2=√22 . In decimal form, it is roughly 0..

What fraction is tan45?

30 Degrees

Angle Tan=Sin/Cos
30° 1 √3 = √3 3
45° 1
60° √3

What is CSC?

The cosecant ( csc ⁡ ) (\csc) (csc) The cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine. It is the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side opposite a given angle in a right triangle.

What is Cotangent math?

The short name for cotangent. It is the length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the side opposite the angle in a right-angled triangle. cot(θ) = adjacent / opposite. (Note: the tangent function tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent)

What is cot mean?

small house