What is the exact value of CSC 300 degrees?

What is the exact value of CSC 300 degrees?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians csc(θ)
240° 4π/3 -2√3/3
270° 3π/2 -1
300° 5π/3 -2√3/3
315° 7π/4 -√2

How do you find the secant of 30 degrees?

The exact value of sec(30°) sec ( 30 ° ) is 2√3 . Multiply 2√3 by √3√3 .

What is the value of Sec 60?


What is the exact value of CSC 60?

The exact value of csc(60°) csc ( 60 ° ) is 2√3 .

What is the value of SEC?

For every trigonometric function, there is always an inverse function that works in reverse. These all inverse functions have the name as the arc in starting. The inverse name of sec is arcsec. The value of Secant 90 degree cannot be calculated and is undefined, i.e. infinity in the trigonometric table.

What is SEC the inverse of?

The secant is the reciprocal of the cosine. It is the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to a given angle in a right triangle.

What is the derivative of SEC 2x?

We know how to differentiate sec(x) (the answer is sec(x)tan(x)) We know how to differentiate x2 (the answer is 2x)…Using the chain rule, the derivative of sec^2x is 2.sec^2(x).tan(x)

sec2x ► Derivative of sec2x = 2sec2(x)tan(x)
sec 2 x ► Derivative of sec 2 x = 2sec2(x)tan(x)

What is the exact value of sec 90?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians sec(θ)
60° π/3 2
90° π/2 0
120° 2π/3 -2
135° 3π/4 -√2

Is SEC 90 a real number?

The value of Secant 90 degree cannot be calculated and is undefined in the trigonometric table.

What is the exact value of sec 180?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians sec(θ)
120° 2π/3 -2
135° 3π/4 -√2
150° 5π/6 -2√3/3
180° π -1

Why is SEC undefined?

Which of the following trigonometric functions is undefined? Explanation: Secant is the reciprocal of cosine, so the secant of any angle x for which cos x = 0 must be undefined, since it would have a denominator equal to 0. The value of cos (pi/2) is 0, so the secant of (pi)/2 must be undefined.

What angle is Cosecant undefined?


Is sin ever undefined?

Values of Quadrantal Angles The points at which the values of a function are undefined are technically not in the domain of that function. Therefore, the domain of sine and cosine is all real numbers. The domain of cosecant and cotangent is all real numbers except kΠ, where k is an integer.

Why is sin 1 undefined?

The symbol sin(sin-1(2)) is undefined since sin-1(2) cannot be defined. No angle has a sine value of 2. The other two restrictions to [- /2, /2] and [0, ] are the same restrictions used in the demonstration above in order to make sine and cosine one-to-one.

What is not a sinusoid?

A non-sinusoidal waveform is one that is not a sine wave and is also not sinusoidal (sine-like). A non-sinusoidal waveform is typically a periodic oscillation but is neither of these. Some examples are triangle waves, rectangle waves, square waves, trapezoid waves and saw tooth waves.

What is the minimum number of points required to mark all maximum minimum and zeros?

Answer Expert Verified and 2 zero end-points.

What does sine curve mean?

A sine wave or sinusoid is a mathematical curve that describes a smooth periodic oscillation. A sine wave is a continuous wave. It is named after the function sine, of which it is the graph. It occurs often in both pure and applied mathematics, as well as physics, engineering, signal processing and many other fields.

How is sin calculated?

In a right triangle, the sine of an angle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse. In any right triangle, the sine of an angle x is the length of the opposite side (O) divided by the length of the hypotenuse (H).

What is the period of a function?

The distance between the repetition of any function is called the period of the function. For a trigonometric function, the length of one complete cycle is called a period. For any trigonometry graph function, we can take x = 0 as the starting point.