What is the English name for jamun fruit?

What is the English name for jamun fruit?

Syzygium cumini

What are the benefits of Java plum?

Jamuns are low on calories, which makes them the perfect healthy snack. They also aid digestion and promote natural bowel movement. Jamun juice has bioactive phytochemicals that minimise the risk of liver disease and cancer. They are also known to be effective in treatment of diabetes.

Why should we not drink water after eating jamun?

Your body needs a certain pH level to digest the food. This pH level is disturbed if you consume water after having food items which already contain water. This is because too much of water will dilute the pH of your digestive system and will lead to a weakened digestion.

Is Java plum good for kidney?

Ayurveda strongly recommends this berry for treating various conditions related to heart, arthritis, asthma, stomach pain, bowel spasm, flatulence and dysentery. The diuretic effects of jamun flushes toxins out of the kidneys, while the high fibre content aids in digestion and prevents nausea and vomiting.

Is Mulberry good for CKD?

Mulberry extract potentially beneficial for diabetic patients with kidney disease: RCT. Mulberry extract supplementation may benefit those suffering from kidney damage caused by diabetes — known as diabetic nephropathy — according to a recent Iranian study.

Which Leaf is good for kidney?

[35] In view of the traditional and ethnomedicinal use of leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum for the treatment of kidney and bladder stones, and urinary insufficiency, it was thought worthwhile to investigate its effect on experimentally induced in-vivo lithiatic model.

Is serpentina bad for kidney?

serpentina was capable of producing highly detrimental effects in our in vitro renal cell system. These results suggest more studies are needed to investigate the safety of this dietary supplement in both kidney and other target organ systems.

Is creatinine of 2.5 high?

Acute renal failure occurs when the serum creatinine level increases by 0.5 mg/dL or more within 2 weeks or less. In cases of chronic kidney disease where the baseline creatinine is greater than 2.5 mg/dL, a 20% increase from baseline is required.

What causes creatinine to rise?

Creatinine levels can also rise temporarily from strenuous exercise or using certain medications like sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, or chemotherapy drugs. Furthermore, becoming pregnant or eating a diet high in red meat may contribute. Your body needs to clean your blood to function optimally.

What happens when creatinine is high?

High levels of creatinine in the blood or urine can be a sign that the kidneys are not filtering the blood effectively. Having high levels of creatinine is not life threatening, but it may indicate a serious health issue, such as chronic kidney disease.

Can high creatinine be cured?

In many cases, medications can help resolve high creatinine levels by treating the condition that’s causing the increase. Some examples include antibiotics for a kidney infection or medications that help control high blood pressure.

Is Egg good for high creatinine?

By eating large amounts of protein foods e.g. meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk and yoghurt before commencing dialysis, you will affect the buildup of urea and creatinine in your blood. An appropriate daily intake of protein should be advised by your dietician.

Does walking reduce creatinine?

Walking every day should be a very healthy form of exercise and should not change your serum creatinine in any way.

Is Apple good for high creatinine?

Apples. An apple is a healthful snack that contains an important fiber called pectin. Pectin may help reduce some risk factors for kidney damage, such as high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Apples can also often satisfy a sweet tooth.

Is there any medicine to reduce creatinine?

The antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and the H2-blocker cimetidine are 2 commonly used drugs that decrease the secretion of creatinine. This can result in a self-limited and reversible increase in the serum creatinine level of as much as 0.4 to 0.5 mg/dL (depending on baseline serum creatinine level).