What is the difference between solo and Solamente?
What is the difference between solo and Solamente?
Sólo is an adverb meaning "only," "solely" or "just" — the same as solamente. On the other hand, solo without an accent mark is an adjective meaning "alone," "on one's own" or "sole." Solo describes a lone man or a masculine object–for example, un café solo is "a black coffee". For a woman, the adjective is sola.
What does Chapita mean in English?
chapita. chapita is a diminutive of chapa. cha·pa Feminine – Noun – Singular Diminutives: chapilla, chapillas, chapita, chapitas. Aumentatives: chapona, chaponas, chapota, chapotas. Translate "chapa" to English: sheet, plate, bald pate, plate sheet.
What is the meaning of ahora?
ahora. a·ho·ra Adverb. Translate "ahora" to English: now, at present, presently, now presently.
What does Hajiman mean in English?
The word hajiman is used in Korean meaning but,however.