What is the difference between complacent and complaisant?

What is the difference between complacent and complaisant?

Don’t confuse complaisant with its near-homonym complacent. Both derive from the Latin complacere “to please,” but while complaisant means willing to do something to please another, complacent means smug and self-satisfied, something that you want to avoid when you’re on the winning team.

What is complacent attitude?

A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous. [disapproval] We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.

How do I stop being so complacent?

Consistently working on your goals removes complacency from your life.

  1. Find Purpose and Meaning in Your Goals.
  2. Establish an Unbreakable Commitment to Yourself and Increase Your Personal Standards.
  3. Remind Yourself You Are Running Out of Time.
  4. Practice Self-Forgiveness and Establish a New Personal Identity.

Does complacent mean lazy?

Being complacent is similar to being lazy. Often when we get upset with our current situation, but refuse to work to improve, we are being complacent. A complacent person never works to reach their potential because they feel that it is pointless.

What causes complacency?

As causes of complacency, intensive workload, poor knowledge/understanding of the equipment, steep authority gradient, lack of collaboration, poor communication, efficiency-thoroughness trade-off, crewing strategies, and lack of organisational justice were identified.

Why being complacent is bad?

Complacency destroys progress. It is one of the only things you can do that cannot be justified into achieving your goal of any kind. Even people who are overworked, and burn’t out can get complacent with working a lot and dealing with burn out as opposed to achieving their goal of being lazy.

How can I improve my complacency?

6 Ways to Defeat Complacency

  1. Recognize it. You have to acknowledge that complacency exists in order to address it.
  2. Put it in context. Complacency won’t likely occur until you have had some success, so recognize and celebrate the success first.
  3. Set new goals.
  4. Keep your purpose clear.
  5. Create healthy competition.
  6. Remember history and human nature.

What does complacency look like?

Complacency is defined as – a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.

How do you know if you’re complacent?

Here are 5 signs you’re becoming complacent, the second installment in a new blog series on reinvention. Smiling less. You can’t see the fun. “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” If you’re growing and gaining new experiences, work is fun and interesting – even when it’s hard.

How do I stop complacency at work?

  1. 5 Steps to Curb Complacency In the Workplace. Jun 6, 2018.
  2. Bring your company’s values to life.
  3. Mix up your routines.
  4. Increase workers’ self-awareness.
  5. Incorporate changes that allow workers to stay focused.
  6. Teach and guide employees through coaching.

How do you fix complacency at work?

  1. Stay on guard. Some firms work hard to make sure that they have energized and engaged employees who really treat all customers well.
  2. Share the mission.
  3. Recognize exceptional service.
  4. Correct poor performance.
  5. Avoid routines.
  6. Ask for feedback.
  7. Reward employees.
  8. Strike a balance.

What does complacent mean at work?

Complacency refers to a feeling of satisfaction with the way things are, accompanied by a lack of awareness of potential or actual problems or dangers. Complacency signifies a missing spark, a lack of enthusiasm, a certain ho-hum-ness.

What are the dangers of complacency?

Complacency at work can cause or contribute to critical errors which increase the probability of injury, from not having your eyes or mind on the task, walking into the line of fire, or losing your balance, traction or grip.

Why does complacency kill?

Complacency Kills. It finds vulnerability in the comfort of past success and plants itself in the crevices. It waits for you to develop over-confidence, to lose sight of the dangers around you, to become blissfully unaware of the deficiencies you have developed.

How do you fight complacency in the workplace?

What breeds are complacency?

Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.

What does complacent mean example?

The definition of complacent is happy with one’s self and unconcerned. An example of complacent is a person working in their office and not worried about the dangerous weather conditions outside.

How do you use complacent in a simple sentence?

Complacent sentence example

  1. The student grew complacent about the challenges ahead.
  2. You should not have a complacent attitude toward unemployment.
  3. The swimmer was complacent about any situation during a dive.
  4. The manner in which this condition of complacent ignorance came to be disturbed is instructive.

What does mean complacent?

1 : marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies : marked by complacency : self-satisfied a complacent smile. 2 : complaisant sense 1 complacent flattery. 3 : unconcerned.

Is Complacent a bad word?

The answer to the first one is “Yes.” Complacent has connotations of laziness and apathy, which are both relatively negative words (laziness more so than apathy). The dictionary definition does say showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. But its connotations are negative.

Why are we complacent in our spiritual efforts?

e) Pilgrimages are no more of travelling on foot and living in the ashrams with basic necessities, it has become a picnic with all the comfort, AC rooms, travelling by car with a large group to have all the fun and entertainment. Hence, we are complacent in our spiritual efforts.

How can a pilgrim keep his body healthy?

A pilgrimage is like penance or sadhana to stay near nature and to experience a feeling of oneness with it, to keep the body healthy and fulfilled with the amount of food, while seeking freedom from attachments and yet remaining happy while staying away from relatives and associates. 6.

What changes has taken place in our attitude towards pilgrimage?

(c) What change has taken place in our attitude towards pilgrimages ? Answer . Earlier pilgrimages were a penance to stay near nature and did not require luxury rooms and big cars to travel, now they have become more of a tourism opportunity where people go for a picnic.

What happens when pilgrimages are turned into picnics?

The passage explains that when a pilgrimage turns into a picnic, it destroys the entire significance of the pilgrimage: the sadhana is lost. The pilgrimage then becomes a social gathering where the pilgrims travel comfortably and boast about their “special darshan” and charity.