What is the definition of puny?

What is the definition of puny?

: slight or inferior in power, size, or importance : weak.

What does intercom mean?

two-way communication system

What is the definition of physiologically?

1 : of or relating to physiology. 2 : characteristic of or appropriate to an organism’s healthy or normal functioning. 3 : differing in, involving, or affecting physiological factors a physiological strain of bacteria.

What does momentarily mean?

1 : for a moment. 2 archaic : instantly. 3 : at any moment : in a moment.

How do you use momentarily?

I’ll be with you [in a moment/momentarily]. When I heard the news, I think my heart stopped [in a moment/momentarily]. We’ll be back [in a moment/momentarily] with more news. I was [in a moment/momentarily] blinded by the headlights.

What does fleetingly mean?

adjective. passing swiftly; vanishing quickly; transient; transitory: fleeting beauty; a fleeting glance.

What does tantalized mean?

transitive verb. : to tease or torment by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach.

How do you use momentarily in a sentence?

Momentarily sentence example. She looked him in the eye, the smile momentarily gone. The dogs were distracted momentarily by the sound of the telephone, but when it stopped ringing, they advanced further. His empty gaze shifted momentarily from the window to her face.

How long is momentarily?

The original meaning of the adverb momentarily was “lasting for brief time”: “She was daydreaming and momentarily lost her train of thought.” Today, the word is frequently used to mean “very soon.” A waiter might say to a hungry customer, “Your food will be ready momentarily.”

WHEN TO USE hear and listen?

We use hear for sounds that come to our ears, without us necessarily trying to hear them! For example, ‘They heard a strange noise in the middle of the night. ‘ Listen is used to describe paying attention to sounds that are going on.

What is the synonym of momentarily?

Some common synonyms of momentary are ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fugitive, transient, and transitory. While all these words mean “lasting or staying only a short time,” momentary suggests coming and going quickly and therefore being merely a brief interruption of a more enduring state.

What is mean by quickly?

When you do something quickly, you do it really fast — like when you quickly eat breakfast so you won’t be late to school. The adverb quickly can describe any action that’s done at great speed. If you see a wolf running quickly, that means it’s moving rapidly and you’d better hide quickly.

What do you call someone who notices everything?

If someone calls you perceptive, they mean you are good at understanding things or figuring things out. Perceptive people are insightful, intelligent, and able to see what others cannot. If you are upset but trying to hide it, a perceptive person is the one who will notice.

What do you call someone who learns?

Autodidact. According to Oxford Dictionary it means “A self taught person.” Formed out of English word Auto (self) and Greek word didact (teach). In other terms, someone who has acquired knowledge or learned a subject without seeking help from a teacher or formal education institution.

Which is most important in learning?

The experience is the most important part of the learning process. For learning to occur, the learner must do something with the information and reflect on the content throughout the process. To maximize the learning experience, we need to provide opportunities for reflection, both in-action, and on-action.

What are the most important skills?

These are the 5 most valuable skills to learn right now, says futurist—and where to find free online courses

  1. Futuristic thinking.
  2. Courageous leadership.
  3. Emotional intelligence.
  4. Interpersonal communication.
  5. Cognitive flexibility.

What are the 3 important things you learned?


  • never give up.
  • always say truth.
  • try again and again.

What is the most important lesson in your life?

Pace Yourself Slow down—don’t rush into things. Let your life unfold. Wait a bit to see where it takes you, and take time to weigh your options. Enjoy every bite of food, take time to look around you, let the other person finish their side of the conversation.6 hari lalu

What is the most important thing you’ve learned in high school?

My most valuable school experiences weren’t academic. They were all about people—social skills, respect, self-worth, empathy, and realizing your own potential. On the sports field, I learned about winning and losing graciously. In the classroom, I learned that doing your best counted far more than academic ability.

How do you present what you learned?

Here are 72 fun and creative ways for your students to show what they know.

  1. Create a poster.
  2. Make a PowerPoint presentation.
  3. Design a model.
  4. Make a shoebox diorama.
  5. Use a 3-panel display board.
  6. Make a timeline.
  7. Create a board game incorporating key elements.
  8. Write a poem.

How do you present something?

Top Tips for Effective Presentations

  1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience. It’s hard to be relaxed and be yourself when you’re nervous.
  2. Focus on your Audience’s Needs.
  3. Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message.
  4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience.
  5. Start Strongly.
  6. Remember the Rule for Slideshows.
  7. Tell Stories.

How do you show your learning?

Here are a few techniques to create a visible learning environment in your classroom:

  1. Create a learner identity with a personal page.
  2. Display background knowledge with an infographic.
  3. Celebrate learning goals with a poster.
  4. Organize learning with a personal schedule.
  5. Engage in deeper learning with worksheets and reports.

How do you present your work creatively?

Presenting Your Work in Creative Ways

  1. Physical Displays. Perhaps your work involved physically finding or creating objects.
  2. Prezi presentations.
  3. PechaKucha presentations.
  4. Offer workshops or master classes.
  5. Roundtable discussions.
  6. Posters for Creative Works.