What is the conjugation for Volver?

What is the conjugation for Volver?

Conjugation of Volver

Subject Pronoun Volver Conjugation Translation
yo yo vuelvo I return
tú vuelves you return (singular)
él/ella/usted él/ella vuelve he/she returns
nosotros nosotros volvemos we return

What is Volver in preterite tense?

Volver Conjugation: Preterite Tense

yo volví
él/ella volvió
nosotros/as volvimos
vosotros/as volvisteis

What are the forms of Volver in Spanish?

  • yo. volviera.
  • tú volvieras.
  • él/ella/Ud. volviera.
  • nosotros. volviéramos.
  • vosotros. volvierais.
  • ellos/ellas/Uds. volvieran.

What is the command form of Traer?

Affirmative Commands

Subject Pronouns Imperative: Positive Commands Translation
trae (you) bring
usted traiga (you – formal) bring
nosotros nosotras traigamos (we) let’s bring
vosotros vosotras traed (you all) bring

What is the negative Tu command of Dar?

Command of Dar

Subject Pronoun Dar Negative Command Translation
(tú) no des (you) (informal, singular) don’t give
(usted) no dé (you) (formal, singular) don’t give
(nosotros/nosotras) no demos (we) let’s not give
(vosotros/vosotras) no déis (you) (informal, plural) don’t give

Why is Traer irregular?

Traer has two irregularities which need to be memorized: The traer conjugation for yo, which is important because it is used again in the present subjunctive (yo traiga); The traer conjugation in the preterite, which is important because it used again in the imperfect subjunctive (yo trajera).

What kind of verb is Traer?

Traer is a Spanish verb meaning to bring. Traer is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense.

How do you use Traer?

“TRAER” – Rules, Uses & Examples Traer means “to bring”, such as when an object is being transported to the place where you are. He’s bringing me the keys. Me va a traer el libro. He’s going to bring the book to me.

Is Traer stem changing?

Conjugations. Traer is an irregular verb with some interesting irregularities in its stem, so pay close attention to the following tables and examples.

Is Traer a go verb?

These verbs fall into three categories: hacer: this verb (and similar ones like rehacer) has its own irregularities. caer, traer: these verbs (and related ones) simply add ig: “caer -> cao -> caigo”

What is the Spanish subjunctive?

The Spanish subjunctive is a special verb form, called a mood, that is used in dependent clauses to indicate some sort of subjectivity, uncertainty, or unreality in the mind of the speaker. In Spanish, feelings like doubt and desire require the subjunctive, as do expressions of necessity, possibility, and judgment.

What does the word salir mean in Spanish?

to leave

What is decir?

Decir – To say, tell.

What does Salo mean in English?

The Slavic word “salo” as applied to this type of food is often translated to English as “bacon” or “lard”. Unlike lard, salo is not rendered. Unlike bacon, salo is not necessarily bacon-cured. Salo has little or no meat, and low-meat high-fat bacon commonly is referred to as salo.

What is Salu Salo?

Salu-salo is a Tagalog word for gathering and eating together, which my family loves to do during birthdays and holidays.

Is Gusta a Spanish infinitive?

What do you know about all Spanish infinitive verbs? Basically, if you’re talking in present tense and you’re looking for an infinitive, you need an -ar -ir- or -er on the end of a verb for it be infinitive. The answer to your question is D) gusta The infinitive for gusta is Gustar.

How do you recognize an infinitive in English?

An infinitive is formed from a verb but doesn’t act as a verb. It acts as a noun, adjective, or adverb, and it is actually made up of two words: to + verb. These two words act together as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

What are the 5 function of gerund?

Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns.