What is the best way to approach a curve?

What is the best way to approach a curve?

Judge how sharp the curve is. Slow down before you enter the curve. Braking on a curve may cause you to skid. Reduce speed before entering the curve, and slowly lighten the pressure on the brake until reaching the apex point (where the car is closest to the inside of the curve line).

What are the 3 arm signals a driver can use?

The hand signals are the same in all U.S. states.

  • Slow Down or Stop Hand Signal. If your brake lights are functioning, they will light up and communicate to other drivers any time you press the brake pedal.
  • Left Turn Hand Signal. You need to signal before changing lanes to the left or turning left.
  • Right Turn Hand Signal.

What does a yellow and black diamond shaped sign mean?

Many road signs warn you to slow down or watch for hazards or special conditions ahead. Most warning signs are yellow and diamond-shaped with black letters or symbols. This sign warns you that the road ends ahead. Slow down and prepare to safely turn left or right.

What does a yellow cross sign mean?


What does a yellow sign mean?


What does a yellow circle sign mean?

The shape is dedicated for Grade Crossing Advance Warning Signs. Such signs are yellow (to indicate warning) with a black border and black lettering

What is a diamond-shaped sign?

Diamond-shaped road signs always warn of possible hazards ahead. These are traffic signs, temporary traffic control signs, and some pedestrian and bicycle signs. Pennant-shaped road signs warn drivers of no-passing zones. Round-shaped road signs are used for railroad signs.

Which color is not used in traffic rules?

Traffic Signal Rules in India

Signals Meanings
Red arrow Red arrow suggests that the traffic signal should stop until the green arrow is on. A left or right turn is not allowed.
Flashing red light Flashing red light also means stop. You can proceed if seeing no oncoming traffic.

What are the 7 main types of traffic signs and their colors?

A white background indicates a regulatory sign; yellow conveys a general warning message; green shows permitted traffic movements or directional guidance; fluorescent yellow/green indicates pedestrian crossings and school zones; orange is used for warning and guidance in roadway work zones; coral is used for incident ..

Why are road signs green?

The universally recognizable green color on highway exit and directional signs designates information that is purely contingent upon the driver’s intention. Blue signage indicates rest stops and restaurants, and brown designates a location for outdoor recreation.

What are blue and white road signs?

These signs are square or rectangular shaped, and are blue with white let ters or symbols. They show the location of various services; such as rest areas, gas stations, campgrounds or hospitals. The shape of route signs indicate the type of road- way, interstate, U.S., state, or county.

What does a red street sign mean?

What Do Red Street Signs Mean? Red signs simply mean stop or prohibition. Some examples of what red signs can be used for include: Stop. Do not enter.

What are the 8 basic shapes of signs?

What are the meanings of the eight shapes of signs: octagon, triangle, vertical rectangle, pentagon, round, pennant, diamond, horizontal rectangle? Octagon -> Stop. Triangle -> Yield. Vertical Rectangle -> Regulatory.

What are the 5 types of traffic signs?

Type of Road Traffic Signs and Their Relevance

  • Type of Road Traffic Signs. Mandatory Signs. Cautionary Signs. Informative Signs.
  • Rules and Regulations.
  • Safe Driving.

What are the 3 types of traffic signs?

A: Traffic signs are divided into three categories: regulatory, warning, and guide signs.

What are 6 types of special roadway markings?

Turning lanes, reversible lanes, HOV lanes, parking restrictions, yellow and white lines.

How can you recognize a warning sign?

How should you proceed when you see one? Warning signs are usually yellow and black and diamond-shaped. When you see one, you should be prepared to slow or stop.

What is the first thing a driver should do after deciding to turn?

What is the first thing a driver should do after deciding to make a turn? Signal at least 200 feet from turn. The purpose of traffic signs are: To regulate, to warn, and to guide drivers.

What is a merge sign?

The merge sign is a regulatory sign. Drivers who encounter a merge sign are warned that two separate roadways will converge into one lane ahead. The merging traffic sign will typically indicate which lane should be merging into the other. Merging vehicles must yield to traffic on the main highway.

What does the median sign mean?

Median Warning: These signs let you know there is a median ahead and where you should drive to avoid them. This is most often seen in areas where a 2 or 4 lane road turns into a divided highway. Pedestrian Crossing: Pedestrian crossings mean that there is an area where pedestrians frequently cross the road.

What does the 12 6 sign mean?

Low Clearance. Yellow Diamond, two opposite arrows, 12’6″, tells the maximum height for transportation. Stop Sign Ahead. Yellow Diamond, black up arrow, red octagon, warns you about a stop sign ahead.

What does this sign mean dip?

The dip sign is a warning sign. Dip signs indicate that there is a dip or low place in the road. It’s hazardous to encounter this sharp depression in the road while driving at a high speed. Use additional caution after rain as these dips can fill with water and cause cars to hydroplane.