What is the best race for battlemage in Skyrim?

What is the best race for battlemage in Skyrim?


Are khajiit good at magic?

Right in the Lore, there’s even at least 4 breeds of Khajiit that are actually known to have a natural affinity for spellcasting. well there is J’zargo at the College of Winterhold… Khajiit, like any race, can become masters of any skill, if they put enough effort into learning it.

Can you be a mage and warrior in Skyrim?

Yes, you can be a mage/archer/warrior/thief at same time in this game.

What is the easiest skill to level up in Skyrim?

Sneak. Sneak is by far one of the easiest skills to power-level, as you can reach level 100 before leaving Helgen within around 30 minutes.

Does Magelight increase alteration?

It does increase alteration.

How do you restore power level?

In short, you can level restoration by repeatedly taking damage from the environment (e.g., traps) and then healing yourself. Restoration can be leveled in tandem with other skills.

What is the best alteration spell in Skyrim?

Here are the 10 best Alteration spells you can use in Skyrim.

  1. 1 Paralyze. When most think of Alteration, they instantly imagine Paralyze.
  2. 2 Dragonhide.
  3. 3 Ebonyflesh.
  4. 4 Mass Paralysis.
  5. 5 Ash Rune.
  6. 6 Tramsute.
  7. 7 Ash Shell.
  8. 8 Detect Life.

What is the fastest way to level up restoration in Skyrim?

For leveling restoration, your best bet is to use the turn undead spell line, which gives skill increases very quickly. Head to your favorite barrow and start sending the skeletons fleeing before you kill them.

What can you put fortify alteration on?

In potions, Fortify Alteration increases the duration of Alteration magic….Alchemy[edit]

  • Blind Watcher’s Eye CC (1.25× ,1.27×
  • Burnt Spriggan Wood.
  • Grass Pod.
  • River Betty.
  • Screaming Maw CC (1.25×
  • Sload Soap CC (1.25×
  • Spriggan Sap.
  • Wild Grass Pod.

How do you get fortify enchanting?

First you enchant a helmet, gauntlets, ring, and necklace with fortify alchemy. Then make a potion for fortify enchantments. After you do this enchant/alchemy loop repeatedly (about three times) the bonuses won’t go above 29%. Finally enchant some armor, a ring, a necklace, and gauntlets with fortify smithing.