What is the best homeopathic medicine for hair loss?

What is the best homeopathic medicine for hair loss?

Calcarea Carbonica – considered one of the best homeopathic medicines for hair regrowth. It is usually prescribed when hair-loss is accompanied by intense itching and sweating of the scalp.

Does homeopathy really work?

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee said there's no evidence that homeopathy is effective as a treatment for any health condition. For example, many homeopathic remedies are diluted to such an extent that it's unlikely there's a single molecule of the original substance remaining in the final remedy.

Can homeopathy regrow lost hair?

Homeopathy is one of the best hair loss treatments that can help your hair grow back after thinning. Here's why. It corrects the root cause: To begin with, if you have hair loss or hair thinning, the hair will not grow until you address or treat the root cause of hair loss.

Does homeopathy have side effects?

In general, most are so watered down that they don't cause any side effects. But there are exceptions. Homeopathic medicines can contain a large amount of an active ingredient, like a heavy metal, that can be dangerous. He can make sure they're safe and won't interact with any other medications you're taking.

What is the best treatment for female hair loss?

Minoxidil (Rogaine) 5% is the only topical medication approved by the FDA for female-pattern hair loss. The once daily use foam treatment regrows hair in 81% of the women who try it.