What is the best ear mite medicine for dogs?

What is the best ear mite medicine for dogs?

The next step would be a thorough ear cleaning for your dog. That will be followed by application of one of the products approved as ear mite treatment for dogs, such as selamectin and moxidectin/imidacloprid, often used against a range of parasites. Bacterial or fungal infections should also be treated.

What will kill ear mites?

“There are many topical, oral, and systemic agents,” Dr. Miller notes, “and most—such as ivermectin—are highly effective. Even one old-time remedy—baby oil—can do the job. A few drops put into an affected ear several times a day for a month or so will usually smother the mites.”

Can you buy ear mite medicine over the counter?

Ear mite medication is relatively inexpensive, effective and available over-the counter at most pet stores. Be sure to follow the package instructions carefully.

How do you use Eradimite?

Product description Apply 10 drops in each ear and massage. Apply every other day until problem is cleared up. DO NOT use on nursing animals. For use on dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, and rabbits.

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites?

To ensure all mite eggs have been eliminated treatment needs to continue for a minimum of 3 weeks. If using a single use product such as Revolution one dose is often enough to get rid of an ear mite infection but it will still take up to three or four weeks for the infection to completely clear up.

Do ear mites live in bedding?

If your pet has ear mites, these mites can travel to your bedding and furniture and then attach themselves to you — a human host. Keep in mind you don’t have to have an animal of your own to get ear mites. You can develop an infection if you come in close contact with anyone’s pet who has ear mites.

What happens if ear mites go untreated?

When left untreated, ear mites can cause very serious infections. The resultant damage to the canal and eardrum can cause permanent hearing loss. Usually, though, they’re brought under control and defeated in a few weeks. Your veterinarian can usually diagnose ear mites by seeing them through an otoscope.

How do you tell if your cat has ear mites or just dirty ears?


  1. Your cat may scratch at his itchy ears or start shaking his head a lot. While the mites are microscopic, they can be quite pesky.
  2. Feline ear mites on the insides of the ears will look dirty, usually with a dark brown or reddish-brown debris.
  3. Feline ear mites are highly contagious.

What color should cat ear wax be?

The inner side of the ear should be a healthy pink color. A small amount of black discharge may be observed in some cats. A large amount of black wax is often seen in cats with ear mites.

Are cats ears supposed to be dirty inside?

Most cats have healthy, clean ears and never need to have their ears cleaned. However, it is recommended to clean your cat’s ears if you notice discharge or an odor when examining the ear. Your veterinarian can help you decide how often your cat’s ears should be cleaned.

Is it hard to get rid of ear mites in cats?

With most cats affected by this problem at some point in their lives, every cat owner should be equipped with the skill of spotting an ear mite infection to deal with it, at the earliest. Unlike other infectious diseases, it is fairly simple to treat ear mites.

Is petroleum jelly safe for cats skin?

Vaseline or petroleum jelly is perfectly safe for cats, externally. It is suitable for their skin the same way it is for ours. Therefore, any issues of rough skin or soreness that makes them feel uncomfortable can be relieved by applying tiny amounts of Vaseline.

How much do vets charge to clean cats ears?

A BNT treatment will run you about $45 a tube, and for reference, the total cost to treat ear infections is between $100 and $250 with a vet visit.

What happens if you can’t pay your vet bill?

If you receive a vet bill that you simply can’t afford to pay, your animal clinic can take your account to collections. Any balance that goes to a collections agency can negatively impact your credit.

Do all vets charge the same?

Two vets may be charging around the same amount for any given treatment. But pet owners have to rely on their vets being honest about what treatments are actually required. An unscrupulous vet could recommend all sorts of expensive procedures and tests.

Can a vet refuse to give you a prescription?

Can my vet refuse to issue a prescription? Legally a vet is obliged, on request, to issue a written prescription for a medicine they would be prepared to sell to you themselves.

Can a vet charge for a prescription?

Your Vet is legally obliged to issue you with a prescription should they determine POM-V products are necessary, but they are allowed to make a reasonable charge for doing so. This is a nominal fee and should not be excessive or to prevent you from purchasing a product.

Why are vet prescriptions so expensive?

The vet has already paid for those drugs and so needs a pricing structure for the medicines that covers the cost of wastage. However, it isn’t always cheaper to buy prescription medicines from an online source rather than your veterinary surgeon.

How long do vet prescriptions last?

6 months

What can you do with unused pet meds?

Throw Away Unused Pet Medication If you don’t want to donate your unused pet medication, the best way to dispose of it in the trash is to remove it from the original packaging and mix it with something unappetizing in the trash, such as coffee grounds or used cat litter.

Can a human doctor become a vet?

A medical doctor can be a veterinary specialist only in paramedical fields like parasitology, pathology , microbiology , pharmacology or biochemistry. As these subjects don’t require any knowledge in treatment , anatomy and physiology of animals. In these subjects a veterinary doctors can also be medical specialists.

Can an MD treat animals?

MD does not treat animals….not in their scope.

Is a vet more qualified than a doctor?

It’s a fallacy that it takes as long to train as a vet than as a doctor – the veterinary degree takes five years, just as the medical degree does, but then medical doctors have at least another two years of on-the-job training before they are fully qualified. Vets are just thrown in at the deep end.