What is the best definition of translate?

What is the best definition of translate?

To translate is to put into a different language or interpret. You can translate sales into dollars, or a play into a movie. When used that way, translate means changing something from one form to another.

What does despite the fact mean?

1. used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it. Three more nuclear power stations were built despite widespread opposition. despite the fact that: He still loves her, despite the fact that she left him.

Is despite the fact correct?

If ‘in spite of’ and ‘despite’ are used in front of the phrase ‘the fact that’ then they can be used with a subject and a verb: In spite of the fact that he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam. Despite the fact that it rained we still had a great time. ‘even though’ can be used the same way as ‘although’.

How do you use despite the fact?

Here are more examples: It was raining, but the football team continued their training session. Despite the fact that it was raining, the football team continued their training session. The football team continued their training session despite the fact that it was raining.

Can you say despite of?

The word despite is a preposition which takes a noun as its object, and doesn’t require of. Despite of is incorrect, and sounds distinctly non-native. (You’re probably getting confused by the similar phrase in spite of. In spite of means basically the same thing as despite.)

Where is inspite and despite used?

Although, even though, in spite of and despite are all used to link two contrasting ideas or show that one fact makes the other fact surprising. They can all be used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. Despite the rain, we enjoyed the festival. We enjoyed the festival, despite the rain.

What is the meaning of inspite and despite?

In spite of and despite have a similar meaning to although or even though. They express a contrast between two things. They are both more common in writing than in speaking.Il y a 6 jours

Is despite a contrast word?

Although, even though, in spite of and despite are words that are often used to connect two contrasting ideas or to express that one statement makes the other surprising. They are often found either at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.

What is the difference between however and despite?

We use ‘although’ and ‘despite / in spite of’ to connect two clauses in the same sentence. On the other hand, ‘however’ isn’t used to connect two clauses. We put ‘however’ in the second sentence, and we can put it at the beginning, at the end, or after the subject.

Is however a contrast word?

As a Connector. The most common use of however is as an adverb that connects two sentences/clauses in order to show a contrasting idea. In this use, however is also known as a transition word or a conjunctive adverb. It is common in formal speaking and writing.

What is contrast in English grammar?

noun. English Language Learners Definition of contrast (Entry 2 of 2) : something that is different from another thing. : a difference between people or things that are being compared. : the act of comparing people or things to show the differences between them.

What is the example of contrast?

Contrast often means “opposite”: for example, black is the opposite of white, and so there’s a contrast between black ink and white paper. But contrast can also happen when the two things are just very different. For example, cats and dogs are definitely a contrast, but they’re not opposites.

What is a contrasting expression?

These opposite phrases or clauses are usually introduced by a conjunction—a small word or phrase that works to join two parts of a sentence (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, rather than, and not). Use the comma to set off the contrasting part of your sentence and emphasize your point.

What are examples of compare and contrast?

For example, if you wanted to focus on contrasting two subjects you would not pick apples and oranges; rather, you might choose to compare and contrast two types of oranges or two types of apples to highlight subtle differences. For example, Red Delicious apples are sweet, while Granny Smiths are tart and acidic.

What are 5 things to compare and contrast?

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on Teenagers

  • Paying for college or getting a scholarship.
  • Life in high school vs life in college.
  • Online tuitions or home tuitions.
  • Getting a college degree or getting a job.
  • Working in college vs freelancing in college.
  • Spending money on education vs spending money on fun.

What are the similarities and differences?

A similarity is a sameness or alikeness. When you are comparing two things — physical objects, ideas, or experiences — you often look at their similarities and their differences. Difference is the opposite of similarity. Both squares and rectangles have four sides, that is a similarity between them.

How do you write similarities and differences?

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

  1. Begin by Brainstorming With a Venn Diagram. The best compare and contrast essays demonstrate a high level of analysis.
  2. Develop a Thesis Statement.
  3. Create an Outline.
  4. Write the Introduction.
  5. Write the First Body Paragraph.
  6. Repeat the Process for the Next Paragraphs.
  7. Write the Conclusion.
  8. Proofread.