What is the best day to sell turnips Animal Crossing?

What is the best day to sell turnips Animal Crossing?

Selling turnips can be done on every day of the week bar Sunday at the Nook's Cranny, aka the Animal Crossing: New Horizons shop. Just go over and speak to Tommy and ask him 'Turnip prices?' to see what today's price will be. Each day, the shop will offer a different price for your turnips.

Do turnip prices go down everyday?

Every day (not including Sunday), Timmy and Tommy in Nook's Cranny will tell you the current price of Turnips. The price actually changes twice a day (once at midnight, once at noon).

How high can turnip prices go?

When buying turnips, the price can be between 90 and 110 Bells.

What can I do with spoiled turnips?

Now, players will find that their turnips will be spoiled if they do not sell them by the next Sunday following the Sunday when they purchased them. If their vegetables are not sold in this week, they will rot and be worthless when it comes to you being able to sell them for any kind of decent profit.

Do turnip prices stay the same if you time travel?

no, turnip prices will stay the same for that time on that day regardless of time travel.. but be aware. once you go back to buy turnips, you can only time travel the week they are sold on, if you go back at all at any point through time travel they will be spoiled.

How much do turnips sell for New Horizons?

Turnip prices generally range from anywhere as low as 50 Bells per Turnip to as high as 200 Bells per Turnip, but in previous Animal Crossing games huge spikes have seen them even get close to 1000 Bells each.

What is the best day to sell turnips Animal Crossing New Horizon?

Can you time travel with turnips New Horizons?

User Info: Melodiva. You can time travel forward if you have turnip (they will still spoil after a week though) but you can't go backwards. So if you are just going back in the morning to grab them and then going forward that should be fine!