What is the answer to the bedroom riddle?

What is the answer to the bedroom riddle?

The Answer to the ‘You Enter a Bedroom’ Riddle The popular answer is as follows: If there are 34 people in the bedroom, and you enter it and kill 30 of them… there are 35 people in the bedroom. The answer that many people have come up with is either four or five people.

What has a bed but does not sleep?

The answer to the riddle “What has a bed but never sleeps and runs but never walks?” is a river.. but could also be a truck.

What is the answer to the riddle you enter a room 2 dogs 4 horses 1 giraffe and a duck are lying on the bed 3 chickens are flying over a chair How many legs are on the ground?

How many legs are on the floor? Since all of the animals are on the bed and no other furniture is mentioned in the room, there are six legs on the floor.

What has to be broken before you can use it?

An egg has to be broken before you can use it. You know what they say, after all, you can’t go making an omelette without breaking some eggs.

What is celebrated only when it is broken riddle?

Answer to the riddle is the match. it’s obvious. Answer to the riddle is a coin.

What has 88 keys but Cannot open a single door?


What has hands but Cannot slap?

I have two hands but I cannot clap. What am I? A clock.

What has hands and a face but can’t hold anything or smile?


What has hands but no feet a face but no eyes but can not talk?

Originally Answered: What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, and tell but doesn’t talk? A clock. It tells the time with its hands.

What is the most impossible question to answer?

17 questions that are impossible to answer

  • Supposing God exists: can God create a stone that God cannot lift?
  • Why do we wait until night to ‘call it a day?’
  • Is ageing inevitable?
  • How does turbulence work?
  • What causes hypnic jerks?
  • How do we store and retrieve memories?
  • Why do we dream?
  • How on earth did Boris Johnson become Foreign Secretary? You’re welcome.

What gets bigger the more you take away?

The answer to this riddle is just one word. The correct answer is ‘HOLE’. A hole in any kind of substance, may it be cloth, wall, wood or anything else, will only get bigger and bigger if you keep taking away more from it.

What is always in front of you that Cannot be seen?

Answer: A drop of water.

What can go up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?


What Cannot talk but will reply when spoken to?

An echo is a natural phenomenon when sound reflects back to the listener with a delay after the actual sound time. When we shout and then we could hear the same sound back, that is called the echo. So it doesn’t come without one making a sound. So it is only a reply and can not initiate sound production first.

What is the more there is the less you see?

Answer: There more darkness there is, the less you can see. Darkness. There more darkness there is, the less you can see.

What have words but never speak?

The answer to the What has Words but Never Speaks Riddle is “A book”. The Logical explanation to this riddle is ” A book has words to read, a human can read the book as it consists of words but a book never speak”.