What is the 7 letter word _m_a_i _?

What is the 7 letter word _m_a_i _?

AMBARIS is the word that most of the Boys Use, Girls Like and Parents Hate. AMBARIS is the scrabble word that is the plural form of "ambari" is a tropical Asian malvaceous plant and Hibiscus cannabinus.

Can you solve this 😇 its a 7 letter word 1 first 2 letter indicate Boy 2 first 3 letter indicate Girls 3 first four letter indicate boy 4 the whole word indicate girl 🔧?

The seven letter word you are looking for is 'Heroine. ' The first two letters, 'he,' indicates boy, the first three letters, 'her,' indicates girl, the first four letters, 'hero,' indicate boy, and the whole word, 'heroine,' indicates girl.

What is the six letter word _a_e_n?

The answer is Tavern. A tavern is a place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food, and in most cases, where travelers receive lodging.