What is the 5 example of personification?

What is the 5 example of personification?

Common Personification Examples Lightning danced across the sky. The wind howled in the night. The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition. Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name.

How do we personify the sea?

You can personify the ocean as a god, like the Greek god of the seas Poseidon. For example, The sea was an angry god and gave my face a salty slap as his tides, his demanding presence, rose dramatically.

What is the difference between a metaphor and personification?

Personification. Metaphor is a word or phrase that takes on the meaning of something else. Personification is a figure of speech that attributes human nature and characteristics to something that is not human—whether living or nonliving. …

How do we use personification?

Writers use personification to give human characteristics, such as emotions and behaviors, to non-human things, animals, and ideas. The statement “the story jumped off the page” is a good example of personification.

How do you start a personification essay?

How to Write a Personification

  1. Think of the feeling you want to express or draw out.
  2. Now think of a situation that would fit that feeling.
  3. Use personification by describing the objects and scene as if they were people showing that feeling.

Can a hyperbole use like or as?

Hyperbole is an exaggeration, doesn’t use like or as, and is used to emphasize a point.

How do you do a metaphor?

How to create fantastic metaphors.

  1. Choose a character, object, or setting. Say, for example, you’re going to write a metaphor about a soccer goalie.
  2. Focus on a particular scene you’re describing.
  3. Now think of some other objects that share characteristics you identified in Step 1.
  4. Take your metaphor and expand on it.

What is a metaphor for a teacher?

A teacher is a gardener. The equivalent metaphor for students is that they would be flowers, naturally growing and blooming into something beautiful. Good teachers, therefore, were gardeners: gently tending to the children’s needs.

Why do we use similes and metaphors?

Both similes and metaphors are literary devices used by writers to compare two unalike things, ideas, actions, etc. in a non-literal manner. People use similes and metaphors to make their writing more descriptive, more persuasive, more poetic, and more emphatic.