What is staying in love?

What is staying in love?

Falling in love means allowing yourself to embrace the out-of-control, overwhelmed, head-over-heels way they make you feel. Staying in love means loving them deeply even in the moments when you don't like them. Staying in love means learning how to continue to be your own person, even if you're part of a greater whole.

Do couples really stay in love?

How can you stay deeply in love with someone for so long? According to experts, it's definitely doable. "Relationships can last a lifetime when each person is willing to go through the muck to get there," relationship coach, Jenna Ponaman, CPC, ELI-MP, tells Bustle.

How long do you stay in love with someone?

The Truth About How Long Love Actually Lasts. If you're talking about the intense love you feel for someone at the beginning of the relationship, several studies have indicated that it lasts no more than 2 or 3 years. And no more than 7 years at most.