What is regret in Tatkal?

What is regret in Tatkal?

REGRET it means( No more further bookings allowed. Quota already exceeded.) that booking is not currently permitted because the wait list number has reached its maximum capacity. CKWL1 means tatkal waiting list.

What is mean by regret in railway?

no booking allowed

What does RLGN mean in PNR status?

Remote Location General Waiting List

Which waiting gets confirmed first?

GNWL (General Waiting List) is given first preference when it comes to confirmation. RLWL tickets are confirmed only when someone from your remote location station (boarding station) has vacated berth, through cancellation.

How do you check if the ticket is confirmed?

This is quite common and to find out whether your ticket is confirmed you need to check your current PNR status. You can easily do this online at www.irctc-pnr-status.com . To see the current status of your train ticket on the IRCTC booking system waitlist, just use the form at the top of this page.

How do you check ticket is confirmed or not?

You can check IRCTC PNR status via SMS: Type “PNR ” and send it to 139 OR via Dial 139 to get the live PNR status. Please note that carrier charges might apply for SMS and call. How does a Waitlisted ticket gets Confirmed?

How many seats are allotted for RAC?

There are 72 seats in each of the 12 Sleeper coaches, making the total number of available seats 864 (72X12). In an express train, the total berths reserved under the RAC quota are 71. Now, each of these 71 berths will be shared by two people, so the total RAC count is conventionally 142 (71X2).

Can I travel with RAC ticket in lockdown?

With the Railways set to operate 200 trains from June 1, the government said only those with confirmed or Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) tickets would be allowed to enter the station and board trains. Moreover, only asymptomatic travellers will be allowed to board the train.

Will RAC 25 get confirmed?

An RAC status of 25 usually confirms and you will get to know of your berth number after chart preparation , which is generally 4 hours before departure from source or arrival of the train at your charting station.

Can I travel with rac e-ticket in sleeper?

Yes, you can travel with an online RAC ticket in the sleeper class.

How many RAC tickets get confirmed in sleeper?

Currently there are five RAC berths in Sleeper coaches, which has been increased to seven and as a result 14 passengers can be accommodated instead of 10 only. Passengers are provided sitting accommodation at lower side berths marked as RAC and two passengers can sit in one berth.

Can I travel with rac e-ticket in 3ac?

Yes you can travel with an RAC e-ticket in 3ac without any fail. Half of the side lower berth is alloted to you during the journey.

What is RAC in AC 3 tier?

RAC means you can board the train. You will be allotted seats but not berths. But, In all probability you will get confirmed reservation, no worries.

How many RAC seats are there in 3 tier AC?

8 RAC passengers

Is online RAC ticket valid for journey?

Is RAC e-ticket valid? hi paran! u can definitely travel with rac e-ticket. wl e-tickets are not allowed to travel as i gets cancelled automaticall after chart preparation and passenger gets refund.

Is it safe to book RAC ticket?

RAC tickets ensures certainty of travel but does not guarantee a berth, said IRCTC. According to IRCTC’s website, RAC ticket is technically a train ticket with confirmed seat but wait listed berth. It ensures certainty of travel but does not guarantee a berth.

Can you cancel a train ticket and get a refund?

With the exception of Advance tickets and some special offers where refunds are not available, a ticket may be refunded before travel. In the case of a return, the return portion may be refunded while still valid. A refund fee may apply. You can get a refund by returning your ticket to the place you purchased it.

Is rac e ticket Cancelled automatically?

@Rajnish_Kumar_Sharma No, RAC ticket does not get cancelled automatically. You will have to cancel it if you don’t want to undertake the journey. However, cancellation charge would be Rs 60 only when you cancel ticket before 30 minutes of train departure time.

Will I get full refund for RAC ticket?

When a passenger wants to cancel a RAC ticket or wait-listed ticket, the amount is refunded after deducting a clerkage charge. However, railways will not provide any refund on RAC e-tickets if the ticket is not cancelled or TDR is not filed up to 30 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train.