What is quantum physics in simple terms?

What is quantum physics in simple terms?

It is also called "quantum physics" or "quantum theory". Quantum is the Latin word for 'how much', and mechanics is the area of science concerned with motion. QM is the part of physics that describes how the particles that make up atoms work. QM also tells us how electromagnetic waves (like light) work.

Does anyone understand quantum physics?

Quantum mechanics must be one of the most successful theories in science. Yet the weird thing is that no one actually understands quantum theory. The quote popularly attributed to physicist Richard Feynman is probably apocryphal, but still true: if you think you understand quantum mechanics, then you don't.

Why is quantum physics so hard to understand?

Quantum physics is so hard because nothing is real in quantum physics. Everything is real when you measure but prior to it everything is probabilistic in nature. This is hard to conceptualize,nonintuitive and even harder to develop mathematical model which best describes the phenomenon.

How is quantum physics related to spirituality?

Yes quantum physics is thickly related to the spirituality. Scientists also have proved that the consciousness and the mind are phenomena that appears in the quantum field that is supported by the brain. Thus in light of consciousness the mind field understands these two realities.