What is Ont French?

What is Ont French?

‘Ils ont’ means ‘they have’ in English. It comes from the French verb ‘avoir’, meaning ‘to have’.

Is Ont singular or plural?

Verb tables: Avoir

Person Present (I have) Imperfect (I had / was having)
3rd Singular il / elle / on a il (..) avait
1st plural nous avons nous avions
2nd plural vous avez vous aviez
3rd plural ils / elles ont ils avaient

What is the difference between son and sont in French?

Difference between son et sont French words “son” and “sont” are grammar homophones ie they do not have the same function in the sentence. – sont comes from verb être conjugated to the indicative present : ils sont. – son is possessive adjective such as mon & ton (my & you).

What is the difference between on and ont in French?

ON is a (im)personal pronoun that is used like he or we. It can be replaced by “il”. ONT is the “avoir auxiliary conjugated in the present tense, it can be replaced by “avaient”.

What are the Imparfait endings in French?

L’imparfait is used to tell stories and report on past actions, mostly in written contexts. We conjugate the imperfect by adding the endings -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez and -aient to the root of the present tense nous form of the verb.

How do you say 7/15 in French?

The French translation for “quarter past seven (7:15)” is sept heures et quart.

How do you say 3/15 French?

The French translation for “quarter past three (3:15)” is trois heures et quart. The French, trois heures et quart, can be broken down into 4 parts:”3 (three)” (trois), “hours; o’clock” (heures), “and” (et) and “quarter” (quart).

How do we say the number 79 in French?

French Numbers: 70-79 Soixante-dix literally means “sixty-ten,” soixante et onze means “sixty and eleven,” soixante-douze is “sixty-twelve,” etc.