What is number 23 on the impossible quiz?

What is number 23 on the impossible quiz?

While any of the first three options would have made perfect sense, the answer in this case is actually "Bran", since in order to save all of your changes in MS Paint, you must first give a name to the file where you want to save said changes, and "Bran" simply fills in as the file's name.

What is number 24 on the impossible quiz?

Question 24 of The Impossible Quiz is the second unskippable question of the game, and also the first safe question, as there is no way for you to lose a life here. There is a small box with differently coloured stripes.

What is the answer to the impossible quiz number 32?

The answer is "Babycham and human faeces" because the "cham" in "Babycham" sounds like "sham", and "faeces" is a synonym for "poo".

What is number 20 on the impossible quiz?

Question 20 of The Impossible Quiz says "Deal or no deal?", referencing the game show "Deal or No Deal". The possible choices are "Deal!", "No deal!", "Seal!", "No seal!" The answer is "Seal!", which is a better answer than "Deal!", since in these cases what people do is to "seal the deal".