What is Mocoso?

What is Mocoso?

mocoso Adjective. Translate “mocoso” to English: snotty, dirty with snot, mucous.

Is high school free in Spain?

Public schools Public (state) schools in Spain are free.

Do they wear uniforms in Spain?

In Spain the use of school uniforms is not compulsory in the public school at any stage. However, it is customary to wear uniforms in private schools, where typically girls wear uniform shirt and jersey skirt and boys wear trousers, white shirt and tie and sometimes jacket. …

What age do you leave school in Spain?


Do schools in Spain have siestas?

The school day in most primary schools in Spain is from 00 and 00. There is a two-and-a-half to three-hour break in the middle of the day for lunch and a siesta. Many children go home for the breaks, though children of working parents may stay and have lunch (the comidor) if this is available.

Does everyone in Spain take a siesta?

A siesta is a nap, usually taken in the afternoon. Some alternative terms might include descanso (break), descanso de mediodía (mid-day break) or hora del almuerzo (lunch hour). While it’s true that it’s common to take a mid-day break in Spain, the majority of working-age people don’t go home to nap.

Why do Spanish take a siesta?

Spain is a hot country, especially mid-afternoon, and the traditional reason for the siesta is for the workers in the fields to shelter from the heat. They would then feel refreshed after their sleep and would work until quite late in the evening, longer than they would have been able to without the siesta.

Is education in Spain good?

Studying in Spain is a great opportunity to learn and improve your Spanish. Spain offers an outstanding cultural experience that is affordable! The cost of living in Spain is lower than in many other countries in the European Union.

What is Christmas Day called in Spain?

Each year between December 24 and January 6, Spain comes alive to celebrate Christmas, or Navidad in Spanish. During this time of the year, everyone strives to fill their days with happiness, joy, and family harmony, although some are more successful than others.